Chapter 31

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Camila's POV

They tied me to a chair. A fucking chair!? You know what, I ain't even mad about it; whatever. Let's not focus on the whole physical aspect of that conversation, let's focus on the fact that it's over now and didn't blow up half as badly as I thought it might. I mean sure I erupted like it was my job but they remained pretty calm and quickly diffused the situation before I sank my teeth into one of them. And of course by 'diffuse the situation' I mean Lauren sitting me down and telling me her life story, in the briefest of details, but her life story nonetheless. I was always curious about how things started out for these five, however their involuntary recruitment into a faction of rogue Vampires was the farthest thought from my mind.

How in the heck was I supposed to know? Now I just feel stupid, and also a little guilty. I mean I would have eventually asked what happened to them but I didn't want to need to be told like that, I basically gave Lauren no other choice than to tell me their story; but I guess we all have our cards on the table now so that's something. Anyway, there have been so many arguments and technically unavoidable situations in this house that we've pretty much gotten used to just acting as if nothing happened. No one was tense or on edge and no secrets to be revealed, we still kept an eye out for any chance of the Moriarty's returning as I was assured this was not the last time I would see them around but for the first time everything was calm. I wasn't on a mission for recovery; I wasn't trying to escape from a family of evil Vampires, then coming to terms with our co-habitation, or having an extremely untimely transformation causing mayhem and destruction. Nope, everything was still and I was exactly where I wanted to be.

'You hit me with a lamp' I stated again for the fifth time to the stubborn raven haired girl. We had been arguing for the past twenty minutes whether knocking me out with a lamp was entirely necessary and she refused to back down.

'It was for the greater good' she argued.

'But a lamp?' I quirked, trying to stop myself from breaking this stern character I had developed for this specific moment in time. Do you know how hard it is to make a joke and try to be playful while keeping a straight face? Very hard I think is the answer you're looking for.

'No you're right, the next time you flip out I'll make sure to ask you for your preferred weapon of choice before I hit you with it' she said sarcastically as I watched her roll her eyes just above the book she was reading.

'Or we could just not hit Camila with any household items whatsoever, how about that?' I suggested.

'Man, you suck the fun out of everything' she smirked, lowering the book just so I could see her stupid expression.

'I do not!' I protested and sat up off of my spot where I had been laying on the floor in Lauren's room. She was sat on her bed, while I took to analysing her vast music collection before getting lost in my thoughts and staring at the ceiling.

'No you're right, in order to suck the fun out of something you first have to know what fun is' she continued teasingly and I knew she was doing just doing it to push my buttons. Things have been a little tense around here lately with everyone's nerves on edge due to the impromptu visit from Lauren's cousins, so it felt good just to smile, and Lauren knew how to make me smile with ease.

'Hey, I know how to have fun' I defended.

'Okay, name one fun thing you've done since you got here that's was for your own enjoyment?' she asked, and I chewed on my lip trying to think of a time where my life wasn't in danger or I wasn't going through an existential crisis...

'When I cooked for you!' I exclaimed after a fair few minutes of thinking it through. Though it was sort of depressing know that the memory was quite a recent one. 'That was rather enjoyable'

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