Chapter 77

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Lauren's POV 

Halsey and I had been sitting in her camp for hours debating the best strategy to use against Justin and his followers. I was slightly disheartened when she suggested brutal, overwhelming force as plan A, but that's why there's 25 other letters in the alphabet for just such an occasion. Plan B hasn't been decided on yet, and plan C through M are mostly just 'what-if' scenarios because we really want to be prepared for anything Justin might throw at us. I questioned whether N through Z should be escape plans just in case things don't go our way and she laughed in my face, apparently Frangipane's never lose, i just met the Monica Geller of Werewolves. Lucky me. 

Ally's been pretty helpful, i mean she refuses to actually come sit up here with us because it might damage her neutral reputation but she's been texting me some interesting tips for the past half hour. For instance, we have a slight height advantage, Halsey has more followers and she just found out through a series of people that Justin has a peanut allergy. I mean how great is that? Now all we have to do is go over there, fight with a bunch of territorial Werewolves and shove a nut down that Blonde mutts throat without being mauled to death first. I know it's not very sportsmanlike, but hey, we've got bigger fish to fry and every second we waste here is a second Dedrick has to come up with a plan to kill us all. Do all these deadlines remind anyone else of Highschool just a little bit?

Anyway, Dinah and Normani are working with Ally to co-ordinate the neutral Werewolves who are just happy they're alive and i quote 'Couldn't give a flying fuck who leads us, if I don't get a taco soon i might kill myself let alone anybody else'. Now I don't know if they've worked out some kinda system to get fast food delivered this far out, but that's the least of my problems right now. Sofi on the other hand is nowhere to be seen, last i heard she and Phaidra were going for a walk and they'd be back before sun down. Yeah well it's dark out and i am so gonna kick both of their asses right after i'm done kicking everybody elses. I'm too old for this shit, i could live to be a million but i am telling you right now this might be the start of my quarter life crisis. Thanks, i hate it. 

'Okay, plan B, where are we at?' Halsey asked, moving several papers around on the table. 

'Well' I paused and lifted up the sheet with the letter B marked at the top. 'We've got a doodle of what looks like a hairy cow with a very bushy tail eating a blonde farm boy  wearing some red overalls; a lot of very erm... descriptive language explaining how stupid Justin's haircut is and last but not least song lyrics to the song 'Die in a Fire' by the Living Tombstone' 

'Okay but you have to admit that is a pretty good song' she laughed and i rolled my eyes. 

'Of course it's a good song but it doesn't really get us anywhere now does it?' i scowled and Halsey lowered her head like a school girl who just got told off by her teacher. 

'I guess not' she sighed. 

'So what are we gonna do about this?' 

'I say plan A is still our best bet' she insisted, lifting up the A plan sheet which had the words 'Kill! Kill! Kill!' written at the top in bold and underlined. 

'Look Halsey, i get that you're comfortable with mass murder but i on the other hand am not' i rebutted and she scoffed at me. 

'Weren't you in a cult or something that killed people for sport?' 

'Hey! I told you that in strict confidence' i gasped. 

'Okay Mrs Hypocrite, what would you have us do? Wait them out until they give up and go home?' she retorted. 

'No!' I tutted. 'Well maybe, i don't know, but i will not be responsible for the deaths of a bunch of innocent Werewolves' 

'They're hardly innocent, they picked Justin over me!' she argued and swept the table clear before flipping it over. If the plan we'd been working on for most of the day was going on the floor table flip or not she could have just flipped the table first and it would have ended up on the floor anyway. Drama queen. 

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