Chapter 15

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What does cause a Vampires craving? That question has been on my mind all day and besides the obvious answer of hunger in general, I can't for the life of me figure it out. It wasn't a normal craving, it couldn't be because she not long had breakfast; no this was sudden, it came on strong and had an immediate effect. The more I thought about it, the bigger my headache became and I knew I wouldn't get an answer from Lauren anytime soon. It's not like it's a secret, right? Like it's not some, take it to the grave massive Vampire conspiracy that not even the humans know about. Vampiric cravings are common, why the hell do you think they set up the feeder stations? I suppose the sight of blood would amp up those cravings but I'm pretty sure I wasn't bleeding, at least not that I know of. Maybe it wasn't me, maybe someone else was bleeding, we weren't far from the feeder station, and perhaps she caught a whiff of that and vamped out. It's also quite possible I could have been over estimating Lauren's control, maybe I should make sure to be a little more vigilant around her.

No, Lauren wouldn't hurt me right? She has more concern and compassion in her little finger than I do in my entire body, she wouldn't do anything to harm anyone unless pushed to extreme lengths. And then again I suppose it could have just been a fluke, something that only happens every now and then and is completely out of your control. Either one of these things seem possible, now I just need someone to confirm my theories and luckily for me there are four other people I can go to for answers.

I stepped out of my room and stood still for a moment so I could hear for any footsteps in the house. There was a single set of footsteps coming from upstairs and another traipsing around outside. The ones inside were closer so I headed for the stairs, however about halfway up a familiar scent filled my senses and I found my way walking back down. Darn you Lauren. When I made it outside I discovered it was Clara absentmindedly walking along the pebbles by the flowing stream of water. If you're going to ask anyone might as well be an adult.

'Morning Clara,'

'Good morning Camila, is there something I can do for you?'

'What, I can't just wish you good morning. I have to want something in order to do that?' I joked.

'No, but I can tell you're just itching to ask me something by the hopeful look on your face so come on, spit it out what's up?' she said, stepping back from the water to face me.

'Besides generic hunger, what causes a sudden craving?' I asked and she crossed her arms thoughtfully.

'Well, lots of things' she said simply.

'Like what?' I added, hoping for her to elaborate.

'Anger, fatigue, sometimes even plain boredom' she listed off, but none of her answers added up. I don't remember Lauren being angry and she definitely wasn't fatigued in any kind of way. I guess she could have been bored, I mean we were walking around for hour's maybe she just desperately wanted to kill some time by sinking her teeth into something. We'll label that one as a maybe, when you live forever I could see how life might become quite a mundane thing.

'Is there anything else?' I inquired. A few moments passed as Clara seemed to be in deep thought, I was sure she was about to say something when she shook her head quickly.

'Nope, not that I can think of; sorry sweety, maybe ask Taylor or Chris' Why would they be more likely to know, Clara's been a Vampire over twenty years longer than her children, surely if anyone would know what causes a sudden craving she would. I suppose I'll just see who else I can find.

'Thanks Clara, will do' I said before walking off toward the woods, let's see who I stumble upon first. I set my sniffer on full power and took in a large breath. Mike. Maybe he knows something Clara doesn't. I jogged at a slow pace towards his location and let my nose lead the way until I found him closing in on his prey. I waited until he had his fill on the poor buck before making my way over, the fresh smell of blood filled the air but I was going to get my answer one way or another.

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