Chapter 58

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Ally's POV

'Okay guys, now start from the top' I stated and the two looked nervously between them which is funny, only to me anyway, since i haven't even begun to put the screws to them yet. I tapped my foot impatiently while both seemed hesitant to answer, although i wasn't sure if it was because they simply didn't know anything and end up annoying me in the process, or that i wouldn't like their answer and get annoyed anyway. Little do they know i haven't been in a fist fight for at least a decade (With the exception of Zendaya of course, but that was unavoidable), i'm really more of a lover than a fighter so chances are they'll walk away from this unscathed. 

'Erm, we're not really sure what you want to hear' Austin said raising his hand like a child in a classroom. Didn't i already explain this like ten minutes ago? Honestly, kids these days. 

'I want to know if anything weird has been going on lately and when did it start?' i asserted and crossed my arms against my chest. Brad scratched his head and gestured over his shoulder with his hand to the area where the sick victims were being kept. 

'You mean besides the-'

'Yes Bradley, obviously besides the sick Werewolves' i sighed.

'And the - er - The Pre-'

'Yup and The Precursors too Brad. Listen if you one of you two could maybe take half of the brain cell you share between you and give it to one person we might speed up this process' I snapped and Austin scowled. 

'Look shortstack, we don't have to tell you shit even if we did know something' he argued. 

'So you two don't actually know anything?' Well Ally what did you expect talking to the town nit wits instead of asking someone with an IQ higher than zero. What a monumental waste of time. 

'Hey now i wouldn't say that, we did school and everything' Brad retorted. 

'Yes, clearly you did school and everything, with grammar like that there's no question' i replied sarcastically and pinched the bridge of my nose. 

'Okay wait, wait, ask us again' Austin chirped up with a stupid grin on his face. The whole thing screamed pull my finger, but hell, there's not much else to do around here. 

'Has there been anything weird going on here lately and when did it start?'  

'Well you see it all started when i was born-'

'Yep, everyone knows about the world's first mistake. Anything else?' i groaned. 

'Y'know i let it slide the first time but now you're just being mean' he scoffed and i could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

'You wanna see mean little boy?' I smiled and walked towards him slowly. 

'Hey woah, cut it out, that's not funny' Austin squirmed and almost fell backwards out of his chair.  

'Aww, c'mon now, just one punch. I think it'll make us all feel better, or at least, it'll make me feel better' I grinned slyly and Brad grabbed Austin by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him upwards and away from me. 

'Alright we're sorry okay' he ushered and held his hands up. 

'Yeah we were just messing around' Austin squeaked and i laughed so hard my fangs popped out on their own. 

'Oh my god man she's gonna eat us' Brad wailed and he probably would've crapped his pants if i didn't put my fangs away. 

'Ew, you wish' 

So i am clearly getting nowhere fast and quite frankly i have never had a headache this big in my life, or ever in my time as a Vampire since it's pretty much impossible. If we get any kind of general sickness like a cough or cold it heals instantaneously. I just wanted you to really grasp the concept of how mind numbingly painful this little transition has been, also i feel incredibly sorry for Camila since she had to put up with these idiots for years. I'm surprised she didn't tear their heads off, although that was probably in respect to her girlfriend since she's not really supposed to do something like that without the Alphas say so. 

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