Chapter 20

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Lauren's POV

I want to say it couldn't get any worse than this but I unlike many others am not a glutton for punishment and I would like to at least reach my 90th birthday. When I was a human I had already planned on living as long a life as possible, I was going to be one of the few people to reach a hundred and then some. And then I was turned and well, my goal became that much more real except now I could reach for a thousand if I wanted to; heck a hundred thousand, just depends when the world decides to stop turning. People who were turned centuries ago got it good; they can look back on history without the use of a textbook because they lived it. It doesn't matter how many places I travel to, or how many different and extraordinary people I meet, I will never know history like the original Vampires. I'll never know the truth, people can write anything and sell it as fact, but we all know there's more to a story.

I guess that's why I was so intrigued by Camila's story, I mean everyone has one but this one hosts so many questions where do you even start? Plus it has history, fifty years of it in fact, a big question mark on one of the most devastating Vampire attacks in a hundred years. It's probably a poor show of character to show so much interest in such a tragedy, but when you're frozen in time there's not much else to do and anything we happen to find can answer a lot of questions that Camila can't. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the hordes of Werewolves that showed up out of nowhere.

'That was certainly unexpected' Chris thought aloud.

'Well isn't that the understatement of the century' Taylor taunted.

'Why are you so bitter today?!' Chris yelled.

'I haven't eaten in 24 hours, excuse me for getting a little annoyed!'

'But why are you always screaming at me?'

'I don't know; you just piss me off for some reason!'

'Guys, could you focus please!?' I burst out and gestured to the waves of wolves circling them.

'Yeah sure...'

'Whatever...' they both mumbled.

'Okay so what's the plan' I asked, looking at my mum and dad for an inkling of reassurance.

'Our target is still the Wolf, these just pose as a distraction. Try and keep them away from you and for god sakes don't take your eyes off Camila for even a second' Clara instructed.

'Spread out as well, if we cluster together they might try to take us out all at once' Mike added. So we did as they instructed manoeuvring past the wolves with extreme precision into the far corners of the room while trying desperately not to become unnerved by all the sharp teeth being bared before us. The wolf was still sat in the middle of the room and it quickly occurred to me we gave it the perfect opportunity to pick us off one by one by diverting the wolves surrounding each of us to someone else while it takes out the targeted individual itself. This creature is smart I'll give it that much, when it realized it couldn't beat us it called for back up to significantly increase its chances. I glance down at my watch and read 4:08, just 2 more hours and it'll be dawn.

Unfortunately Camila didn't say what would happen exactly, only that we had to last out that long, and what will happen to the wolves? Will they just disperse or attack since they have no one relaying orders to them anymore? I don't know how I'd feel about a wolf massacre, even ordinary wolves could bring back some harsh memories for Camila and I don't want that. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

'Okay now what?' Taylor asked, as she was slowly being backed into a corner. The wolves weren't attacking, it was obvious they were waiting for us to attack first but I'm not sure why.

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