Chapter 45

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Lauren's POV

At this moment in time all I can think about is the moment I knew I would die for Camila and ultimately give up my life in trade for hers. But I never thought I would go like this, at her mercy, in her hands. And if I go now what position am I leaving her in after all of this is over? Would Zendaya kill her or keep her as a pet and enslave her for the rest of her mortal life? I don't want that for her, I want her to be free and live the life that she never got to have. It's not fair. It's not fair...

The ringing in my ears won't stop, and the dust from all the wreckage is stinging my eyes but I can still see and hear clearly enough to know that the succubus is enjoying her victory. I'm not even dead yet and she thinks she's won. Looking over at Camila all I see is a cold look in her eyes, and a fulfilled look on her face – if only this Camila knew that revenge won't make her feel any better.

I can feel my body trying to heal itself but it can't heal around the hand imbedded in my chest so it just gave up, kind of like it knows this is the end; because that's not depressing at all.

'Look at you Lauren, on your knees where you belong' she cackled and knelt down until she was level with me. 'You know I think I prefer you like this'

'And I think I'd prefer it if you got the hell away from me' I seethed.

'Ah yes, Hell. You're going to have a fun time rotting away with the rest of your kind on the other side, send me a postcard'

'You'll finally know what it feels like to lose everyone you hold dear' Camila grinned and strengthened her grip. I never thought she would literally break my heart.

It can't end like this, over some stupid power struggle. I never got to tell Camila how I felt or show her all of the things she's missed out on over the years. I'm never going to get to kiss her again, or feel the softness of her skin, or have her fall asleep in my arms. We didn't have enough time and I stayed quiet for far too long. I should have told her, I should have made the most of what we had and never let her go.

If I give up, I'll not only be giving up on myself but I'll be giving up on us; I'll be giving up on Camila's future, on her dreams and her wishes. Taylor would never forgive me for letting myself get killed, and Chris would never forgive Taylor for holding a grudge against a dead person. And my parents would never forgive me for letting Camila go without a fight or subjecting her to whatever's torture awaits her with Zendaya.

I just need some time, a distraction-

'GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!' Normani screamed with Dinah and Ally close on her tail. They all headed straight for Zendaya but Ally, being the oldest and the strongest, got to her first and knocked her flat on her ass.

'Lauren are you- Camila what are you doing!' Dinah exclaimed and walked over to the girl.

'Dinah don't, she's not herself' I instructed.

'You gonna be okay Lo?' she asked knowingly and I nodded my head.

'Just keep an eye on Zendaya'

Okay this is it Lauren, the next few minutes will decide if you live or you die. No pressure.

'You seem a little too calm for someone who's about to be worm food'

'Kill her Camila!' Zendaya screeched and in the corner of my eye I could see the four of them hashing it out.

'With pleasure'

'Camila wait!'

'I've done enough waiting! Fifty years of waiting so I could get my revenge!'

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