Chapter 52

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Camila's POV 

No, damn it I thought i would have more time, i'm not ready. I haven't told them everything or prepared them for what's about to happen next. I mean we're only at the the border, i wasn't expecting the wolves to sense us until we were a little ways in at least. I have to act fast or this all could have been for nothing. 

Without sparing another unnerving thought i grabbed Lauren and the girls and made sure they were focused on me and me only; any distractions could cost us our lives. 

'Guys, whatever happens to me in the next couple of hours you can't intervene' i told them and each one looked just as concerned as the next. 

'Mila what does that even mean?' Dinah asked. 

'Just listen to me okay. They're not going to kill me. It's against our laws. But they're not exactly happy to see me here, let alone with four vampires by my side' i clarified and Lauren looked around frantically.  

'Camila we're not just going to let them hurt you!' she exclaimed and i grabbed her panicked hands. 

'Yes you are Lauren, that's exactly what you're going to do. If not for me, do it for our friends. If you attack them they will see it as an act of war and kill you right here and now and my punishment will be even worse' I knew what i was saying didn't completely make sense to any of them at this juncture, but they didn't know how cruel a Werewolf could truly be, especially a severely pissed off one. 

'Punishment for what? You haven't done anything wrong' Normani questioned, and just as i was about to reply, a loud, throaty laugh sounded through the seemingly endless woodlands. 

Time was up and i could only hope that my words had taken their desired effect on the four girls who were becoming rapidly aware of the number of bodies surrounding us. Pairs of glowing eyes could be seen every which way and in front of us were a pair of fiery red ones. Dedrick. That old bastard is still alive.

That's Dedrick Siegard Ainsworth to all of you. He decided to become immortal pretty late in the game, batting at 50 and somehow still one of strongest Alphas in existence, not to mention one of the most feared. And if you even think about harming a member of his pack he'll tear you to pieces without a second thought. He's one of those people you can't quite place, he's never on anyone's side but his own but he won't leave you high and dry either. I guess if i had to stick a label on him i'd say he was chaotic neutral. 

Anyway as i was saying, yes he is an alpha. I guess you could say he's the alpha. I mean god knows he's been on this planet a lot longer than any of us, some say he was one of the first Werewolves to ever exist. He also has one of the biggest packs this side of the equator and any Werewolf related issue runs through him and him alone. I guess you could say he was like our own supernatural mob boss, he's at the top with his beta's and his Luna of course, and then the rest of us are just the bottom feeders that answer to his every word and call. 

There's a hierarchy which is really nothing more than a glorified power play; every pack must be officially recognized by one of the many old Alpha elders, and if you aren't given the seal of approval you are known as a 'renegade pack'. More often than not, the people involved in these packs were criminals, pirates or wolves that killed for sport; they were the one exception to the no killing rule. If you killed a member of a renegade pack it was known as something called a 'mercy killing', and so long as you had proof of their involvement in a renegade pack you would go unpunished. 

Fucked up right? 

Anyway, if there's one thing Dedrick didn't stand for it was wolves like me. I guess you'll see what i mean soon enough... 

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