Chapter 12

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So I decided to put a pin in the whole running and almost dying part of the regime, instead I thought a few good push ups, sit ups and focussing on my upper body strength would be the next best step. Then, even if I can't get away from anyone who tries to hurt me I could at least put up a fight. Sure I suppose movement is important for like basically everything but that was taking too long and I could afford to wait before tiring myself out again. I swear if Lauren or any of the Jauregui's weren't around I wouldn't be able to attempt even half of this stuff, and if I was stupid enough to try I have no doubt I would be a lump on the floor somewhere. I literally owe them an arm and a leg. But I suppose I also have to thank the Wolf part of me for fighting to keep me alive, were I a human I would have died in that room in under a week; my wounds would also have become infected and even if I did by some miracle find a way to survive I might have lost my leg all together. Remind me to make a list of things I'm thankful for before Thanks Giving, I want to make sure the powers that be know I'm very appreciative of how things turned out – in retrospect to how much worse it could have been.

I told Lauren I didn't need her help today but she downright refused to leave my side after the apparent scare I gave her yesterday. Doesn't she know Werewolves are supposed to have elevated heart rates? Of course my heart would operate quicker after physical exertion, that's actual basic science. Nevertheless, she sat or stood nearby then alternated between the two and gave the occasional 'helpful' hint every now and again. I had already done about thirty push ups before throwing up was becoming an extreme possibility so I took a quick break. Once the slight sick feeling had dissipated I returned to the little area of ground that I had marked out and began the push up proportion of the exercise. It may all sound extremely basic, but I'm not looking to be the next Gold Medallist in the Olympics and although I'm sure I could be doing something at least a little more challenging I cannot be bothered. I got into the proper position to do the push ups and spaced my hands equally apart to give me enough room to bend my elbows and reach the ground with enough strength to push back up. I had only successfully pulled off the first three today when someone had something 'helpful' to add.

'Yes Lauren?'

'You're dropping your knees' she stated simply.

'What? No I'm not' I protested and straightened them up to emphasize my point.

'Do another one' she instructed and I performed another push up.

'You're dropping your knees' she repeated and my anger grew.

'Well you're getting on my nerves' I muttered under my breath and continued to do my push ups. I know she heard me, but she didn't storm off and say something back so either she chose to ignore me or she's doing that thing where she just lets me get angry; and for some reason that's just making me angrier. I'm tired, I'm hot and bothered and in physical pain, it's okay to be slightly irritable right? I tried not to focus on the growing rage in the pit of my stomach and blocked out everything around me, even Lauren's steps and her occasional frustrated sighs became inaudible and after a few moments the anger subsided. It's not unusual for me to get hot headed but it's always for a good reason. We'll just add it to the other list I have of all the things that are wrong with me or need work on.

I had finally completed ten push ups and was about to get up when Lauren disappeared and then reappeared sat firmly on my back.

'I'm sorry, I'm getting on your what?' she smirked and rested more of her weight against me.

'My nerves' I bit back.

'I'm trying to help'

'Well right now, you're crushing my spine' I remarked and watched a bead of sweat fall off the edge of my nose and onto the ground beneath me.

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