Chapter 66

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No One's POV 

In every battle, you have two choices; win or lose. Irregardless of how many benefits you reap if you win or who you may be leaving behind should you fail, your opponent doesn't care what's in it for you, all they care about is what's in it for them. For the Precursor, victory simply means survival. Should she win she can go about her days in search of her next victim and consequently her next meal until the end of time, she is immortal after all. But for Lauren, victory means saving Camila, and Camila's sister and all the other hopeless innocents who are one wrong decision away from stumbling into this monsters grasp. No one is safe as long as she walks the Earth and Lauren knows this, so while betting her own life she isn't in it for personal gain, she's fighting for the people who may never get the chance. 

Also, while she would never ask her friends to do the same it seems she doesn't have to as Dinah and Normani were at the forefront of the fight. She didn't know their motives, she didn't need to, all she needed to know was that they had her back and she had theirs. You don't live as long as them and not make bonds that last an eternity, if they were human they'd be the type of friends who's periods have all synced and they hang out just to have someone to argue with while they work through their hormonal phase together. As Vampires i guess you could say the equivalent was fighting centuries old monsters and risking life and limb. 

Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah!!

'AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Ooooffff, ouch... lesbian down' 

'Dinah, what the actual fuck? I thought i was dating a badass Vampire' Normani sighed. 

'I thought she wouldn't see it coming' Dinah shrugged and picked herself off the ground. 

'You literally ran right at her!'

'Details, details' She tutted.

'HEY!!' Lauren yelled, turning her head only briefly to see her so called 'ride or die' companions having a little chit chat on the sidelines while she was dodging blow after blow from the monster they're supposed to be fighting together. 

'Sorry Lo!' they called back in unison.

'God, she's so demanding' Dinah chuckled as the two ran back into the fold. Once the two approached the raven haired girl Dinah gestured for Normani to link arms with her. 

'What are we doing exactly?' Normani asked. 

'Just trust me okay. Lauren!' the taller girl shouted at the blurry outline of her fast friend, said girls head shot up as she saw her friends stood hand in hand in the middle of the battlefield. 

'Stop touching each other and come help me' she berated them before quickly moving out of the way of an incoming fist. 

'We are helping, remember gym class forty years ago?' Dinah smiled and while Normani looked understandably skeptical Lauren smiled back just as brightly and ran at the pair with great speed. 

'Woah, woah, wait, can someone just explain to me what the hell we're-'

'NOW!!!' Dinah exclaimed and pulled her and Normani's arms backwards as Lauren made contact with them then threw their conjoined arms forward with extreme force. Lauren was propelled forward with the same speed of a moving bullet, and made a direct blow against the oncoming Precursor knocking her right off her feet and onto the hard floor below. Normani's jaw went slack while Lauren and Dinah high fived each other happily. 

'Do i even wanna know what happened in gym class forty years ago?' she asked and the two just looked at each other. 

'No, probably not' Lauren answered and when Normani turned to her girlfriend for an answer she simply shrugged. 

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