Chapter 85

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Keana's POV 

She doesn't remember her. Not one little memory, nor a single fleeting moment the two shared, no words exchanged, no glances from afar, it's just all gone. I gave up asking after i realized i don't know all that much about her and Lauren's relationship, i could hardly expect her to remember the first time they kissed when i can neither confirm or deny that anything she's saying is true. But to be completely honest with you i had to give up, my constant badgering was getting me nowhere and i could tell my questions were freaking her out, i just hope i've planted some seed of doubt in her. The more she thinks about Lauren the higher the chances she has of remembering her right? 

Have you ever done something you wish you could immediately take back? Fuck. 

On the bright side Camila isn't mad at me and she didn't kill anyone which is a plus, oh and she's one step closer to becoming an Alpha which is her lifelong dream before you start kicking up a fuss. I'm doing her a favor here, i mean note how i didn't ask for anything in return for helping her out, i'm doing this purely because i owe Ariana that much and the girl had no other options. I'm not the bad guy here; Camila was stuck between a rock and a hard place and i extended her an olive branch as it were. And i know i've said it before but Camila's so much more... sprightly than before, an old fashioned term i know but it still very much applies here. She was so tired the day she walked into my bar, given she had just risen from the dead theoretically speaking, but looking at her now, free of worry, responsibility and expectations that always seem just out of reach, it's incredible.  

This will be good for her. She wanted a break and a fresh new perspective, now she'll get her chance. I'll worry about fixing her and Lauren's relationship later, for now, let's just make this girl an Alpha already. 

'There you are!' a cheery voice proclaimed and i turned to see said Werewolf walking up to me. I had just stepped out to finish making preparations for the next step of the trial and told Camila to warm up, although i'm pretty sure she spent most of that time talking to Tyrus. Poor guy, i could tell he was having as hard a time with this situation as i was, another relationship i know very little about but from what he's told me he and the gang have had some pretty wild times. Something involving a jailbreak? I don't know, but i can tell he's grown quite attached to the motley crew. Friends who bust you out of jail together, stay together. 

'Here i am' i replied with the best smile i could muster but it would never match her level of enthusiasm that's for sure. It's hard to feel bad when i know she's like this because of something i did, it also helps not having that silver eyed Werewolf in her head anymore. She might actually have the chance to live a normal happy life again. 

'So what's step two?' she asked, her brown eyes shining with childlike curiosity. 

The last step. Arguably the worst part, it's one thing to have your mind messed with and your soul broken and torn in two but physically, it's a world of pain i wouldn't wish on anyone. I'm more than a little worried to say the least, mostly because i'm afraid this Camila might not be able to handle it. The only other reason i chose to let Camila take the test in the first place was because i actually thought she had a shot, i mean she'd essentially been to hell and back, but this one, she might walk and talk like Camila and share the same gruesome past but she lost Lauren. Call her whatever you want, her drive, her motivation, her passion; the reason why old Camila acted like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders is because Lauren was essentially her whole world. She lost her rock, her determination and i'm afraid all of her strength along with it. 

I just hope some of that unstoppable power is still in there somewhere otherwise Camila could actually die for real this time. Becoming an Alpha is nothing to take lightly or laugh about, no one deserves to be an Alpha, it's something you earn. If it were a simple case of filling out some paperwork no one would respect you or follow you and everyone would be an Alpha for the title alone. We'd lose all respect in the supernatural world and that would leave us vulnerable to power players. So, of course, the ceremony is essentially a death trap... and the more i think about it the less i want to put Camila through it. 

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