Chapter 54

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Normani's POV

I'm telling you right now this Total Neanderthal guy or whatever his name is better be worth it, when Dedrick said he was locked up in jungle cat territory i expected we'd have to knock some furry heads together; but i did not expect it to get this hairy this fast. Lemme catch you up. 

3 hours earlier

Dinah and I arrived at the prison after going through at least 5 unnecessary barricades, getting searched twice, and i almost got the car impounded when i refused to open the boot for one of the guards because i didn't want him to confiscate my blood stash. Girls gotta drink y'know. Anyway, we got there safe and sound and with some of our dignity in tact. 

'So, what's the plan?' I asked looking over at Dinah as she subconsciously slid her hand into my own and guided me towards the gate. 

'We get in, talk to the guy and get out' she stated, climbing each of the steps.. 

'What if he doesn't wanna tell us how to use the herbs?' i inquire. 

'Then we make him tell us' Dinah shrugged and pulled open the door to the entrance allowing me to step through first while i gave myself a moment to swoon. She always holds doors open for me but considering recent events it just meant that much more. 

The prison was huge and i mean, pretty bloody ginormous. If i thought the outside was intimidating the inside was even worse, guards lurked on every corner, and the buzz of radios and harsh words filtered down each and every hall. It's times like these that i'm glad i didn't turn to a life of crime, not that i even considered it for a second, but i just really like being outside and not in this scarily pristine and yet terrifying establishment. I had to remind myself this was no ordinary prison, the people locked up in these cages weren't humans who turned down a dark path, they're supernatural creatures; the worst of the worst. The kind that kill just because they can, who have no appreciation for human or supernatural life alike. 

So it begs the question whether Tyrus really did let one of the Panther leaders die; and whether we can trust him to help us. God knows he doesn't owe anyone anything, i doubt he's feeling very generous after hitting rock bottom. I'm also incredibly curious to know how Dinah's going to make him tell us anything in a high security prison where we can't so much as touch him. So this'll be interesting either way. 

We approached the desk and Dinah tapped on the glass, the man on the other side of the glass looked up and through dark, green, almost soulless eyes, slid the pane open. 

'What?' he asked and i flinched at his tone. He was a jungle cat alright, i'd never forget a growl like that. 

'We need to talk to a prisoner' Dinah replied. 


'Tyrus Norgrove' she answered, and his dark eyes grew even darker.

'What business do you have with him?' he bit through a set of sharp teeth. It's not hard to guess he, himself is a Panther and clearly holds a grudge against Tyrus for his crimes.

'We need to talk to him, it's important' I contributed and reluctantly he hit a button that opened a gate in front of us.  

'You've got ten minutes, in and out, no funny business'  he sighed and buried his head back into the stack of paperwork in front of him. I thought i might turn to stone from his icy attitude but then Dinah said something that made me forget why i was even afraid. 

'No funny business, what does he think we came here for? A threesome? I don't think so boo' 

I am so in love with this girl. 

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