Chapter 22

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So here we all are again for yet another big reveal. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that my life is interesting enough to talk about but sometimes I wish there wasn't some huge ordeal that I had to deal with. I miss the days when I could just doze off on the sofa, but I guess the time for rest is over. I wanted to resume my life and this is it even after my rocky start and uneasy first steps, whatever my new start has to offer I need to be ready. And maybe one day, no matter how far away that day may be everything will be put to rest; even my memories and any remaining hard feelings that I may still have about that day. Let's just deal with this issue before the many that are undoubtedly sure to follow.

'So Camila, what did you do now?' Taylor joked and tapped the seat beside her.

'Oh you know pissed off some ancient evil, messed with the balance of the universe, and possibly risked the destruction of earth and all human kind as we know it. The usual' I shrugged and sat down as Lauren closely followed.

'Again?' Chris joked.

'What can I say? I attract bad luck like the plague' I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

'That's not the only thing you attract' Taylor coughed and I landed a solid blow on her shoulder with my fist. 'Ow, what?'

'Anyway Camila, I believe you were going to explain what happened to you' Mike spoke up and I nodded.

'Oh god I wanted to slap myself silly when I finally realized what was happening to me, or rather remembered' I started.

'What do you mean 'remembered'?' Lauren inquired.

'I'll build up to that' I informed her. 'Okay, so you as Vampires are immortal by creation correct?'

'Yes, but what does that have to do with this?' Clara asked.

'Well, in order to maintain your immortality there is a cost, a sacrifice. You must drink blood, human or otherwise in order to live as part of your own natural requirement' I continued.

'So this has to do with your immortality?' Chris inferred.

'Right, Werewolves are not naturally adept to living an immortal life. It is a choice that we are given, thus in order to receive the 'gift' of immortality we must also pay a sacrifice'

'And what sacrifice is that exactly?'

'To relinquish ourselves to the most primal state our bodies can adhere too, the original werewolf; one born of bloodlust and pure animal instinct. Over millennia Werewolves have evolved to the control we have today, where both our human form and our wolf form are in perfectly in tune with one another. So in order to create balance we are forced to relinquish this control for a time' I divulged in as much detail as I could.

'But what about when Werewolves didn't have control, what was their sacrifice then?' Clara pointed out.

'The balance then was of course reversed, where there was no control, we were slowly given control. Now we're just delving into Werewolf folklore about the origins of our species, but if you believe this tale the progressive control our species was given led us from the Wolves we were to the race of Werewolves we have become today'

'Hold up, if the only way you gained this control was through this cycle of immortality as you say then isn't the loss of control your kind is experiencing now only going to lead a devolution of your entire species?' Lauren questioned.

'I must admit there are some who agree with you, that Werewolves are doomed to relive the past on an endless cycle until the end of time. However, there are others who say that we have reached a point in the evolutionary chain that stops that from that ever occurring' I answered.

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