Chapter 5

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Predictably I woke up back in my bed; the IV's placed back in my arms and the sharp pain back in my leg. Shifting interrupts the healing process and tends to more often than not reopen fresh wounds. I wouldn't be walking around for another couple of days but this time I was intent on getting better, so no shifting any time soon. The moment I even stirred my room became vastly popular, all of the family making their way into the sizeable room. A normal person might be overwhelmed, but a Werewolf who's been in a pack since the womb never really had the luxury of boundaries. I sat up now being able to clearly take in their faces, but remained quiet. If anything, I felt a little embarrassed, I didn't think I would but now with everyone looking at me intently I couldn't help go a little red. Lauren offered a reassuring smile from across the room, and even from a Vampire it really was reassuring, something about all of them made me feel comforted and calm. If they didn't need blood to survive they would be the ideal human family, unfortunately that is not the case. Nonetheless I'm here now and for as long as my stay may be I won't let one little thing squander my time here, just because I'm not looking for friends doesn't necessarily mean I'm looking to make enemies either.

'So...' Chris spoke loudly, trying to clear the silence that had fallen upon us. I didn't need to hear Taylor's heartbeat to know she was practically dying to ask me something and I had a feeling I knew what she was going to say next.


'Taylor' I answered for her. 'And that's Chris, Clara, Mike, and your sister Lauren. I remember'

'Right, well I wasn't sure I mean I'm not undermining your intelligence but I didn't want to assume it was above average – I-In your wolf form I mean, I'm sure in your human form you're very... intelligent' she ranted.

'Well you know our names, but we don't know yours' Lauren added.

'I'm Camila. Camila Cabello. My first name is actually Karla but I prefer to go by my middle name. '

'Well Camila it's nice to finally meet you' Clara spoke.

'I have like, a million questions I want to ask you!' Taylor continued.

'So I hear, or rather overheard. But if you don't mind, I also have a few questions for all of you'

'Of course, you must be a little confused' Mike agreed. 'Why don't we take this into the living room, if that's all right with you Camila?' I nodded and leant on the rack holding the IV's and rolled it along with me as I walked. Just as I reached the doorway I faltered slightly and threw my un-bandaged hand against the nearest wall, Lauren was stood behind me and stepped forward to keep me steady. I felt a hand place itself securely around my waist as I continued to walk out into the hallway, and it stayed there until I sat down.

'So Camila, what do you wanna know first?' Chris asked.

'Personally to you first, are you okay?'

'What, you mean after I was body slammed into a wall and then punched into the ceiling?' he clarified with a jokey tone.

'Yeah that' I quipped.

'Yes I'm fine thanks for asking'

'She punched you into the ceiling?' Taylor mocked.

'She caught me off guard!'

'Okay now what's your real first question?' Chris asked after a quick sneer at his sister. Honestly I wasn't completely sure what I wanted to know first, or whether I even wanted to know anything at all. They say ignorance is bliss and honestly I could use a little bit of paradise. I knew what they were dying to ask, and there were some things I couldn't tell them without some answers of my own first so I suppose there's one that takes precedent.

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