Chapter 32

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Lauren's POV

Uh-oh. Camila and I quickly move away from each other, I opt for picking up random objects and moving them to another location while she grabs a glass and runs it under the sink. Both of us are blushing right up to our ears and I instantly miss the feeling of being pressed up against her, the warmth of her skin and her lips planted firmly on my own. I've wanted to do that for some time now, so I saw my opportunity and I took it and you have no idea how happy I am because of it. I send her a shy smile right before Taylor walks in and drops several bags on the counter loudly.

'Hey guys' she started but looked like she changed her mind on what she was previously going to say. 'Okay, why do you both look like you're trying to hide the fact you just killed someone?'

'Errr...' I said looking at Camila whose eyes were fixed on the floor as she sipped slowly from her glass. Thankfully my mother walked into the room, unknowingly saving me form what I'm sure would have been a terrible lie.

'Taylor, you need to unpack we have frozens' she instructed the younger girl and ushered her over to the fridge beside the still heavily blushing Werewolf while shooting her a stern look. Camila looked up for a fraction of a second and the second she caught sight of Taylor's death glare, she immediately looked back down.

'So mum, how did your casual day out turn into a shopping trip?' I asked the blur that was moving around the kitchen.

'Oh you know me, can't go out without bringing something home' she explained simply and jumped back into action. 'Oh and Camila sweetie, we thought after all of the complicated stuff you've been going through lately you could use this' she added and presented several bottles of wine to the wide-eyed girl. 'Now I know you said Whiskey, but we wanted to start you out easy and work up to that-'

'Thank you Clara, really, it'll make sleeping a hell of a lot easier that's for sure' she joked and began examining each of the different kinds my mother had bought.

'What do you mean? I didn't know you were having trouble sleeping. Why didn't you tell us Mila?' I heard my father's voice speak up shortly followed by Chris.

'O-Oh no it's not a big deal, it's complicated but nothing you need to worry about' she sputtered out. I know she has nightmares but surely that doesn't stop you from falling asleep, is something else happening that I don't know about?

'Complicated how?' Chris questioned.

'It's just another stupid Werewolf thing, its fine, I promise' she vaguely replied and I thought that would be the end of it until Taylor spoke up.

'Well maybe we can help, if not you can still explain it' she suggested and Camila released a quiet.

'Sure, yeah er well – so Werewolves are pack animals and we're not used to being alone. Eventually even a lone wolf has trouble being independent and finds their way home, and the biggest cause of that can be trouble sleeping. And erm- just having someone sleeping or lying next to you can help you fall asleep so-'

'Well I'm sure Lauren wouldn't mind sleeping with you' Clara interrupted and my eyes immediately drifted back to the girl in question who had broken out into a small coughing fit. 'Are you alright Camila?'

'Yeah are you alright Camila?' Taylor added slyly, she knew something was wrong, little did she know that thing was something huge.

'Y-Yep' she coughed and pat her chest lightly.

'Then it's settled, you can sleep in Lauren's room tonight, okay honey?' My mum said looking at me and as I looked back at Camila her blush had returned even heavier than before and her eyes almost bulged out of her head.

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