Chapter 84

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Camila's POV 

I have to wake up, i just have to. There is no way in hell i am giving up my feelings for Lauren over some vision that may or may not have been a complete fabrication, and I know it's dangerous to be hopeful but this is Lauren we're talking about. The lovable cuddly Vampire who would rather eat shards of glass than see me hurting and the same girl who stuck by my side through thick and thin and never let me give up on myself when things got tough. I refuse to believe she took any kind of sick pleasure in seeing me struggle, in seeing me weak and defenseless; i could literally see the remorse and regret in her eyes every time she looked at me. I could see it in all of them. If the Jauregui's are co-conspirators in some twisted mental manipulation game then i'm a fluffy bunny called Bubbles. That's what i have to hold on to, that's what i have to remember, Lauren is a good person, a changed person. I can't give up on her, i owe her that much at least. 

'Okay assholes, real or not, i'm not playing your game. I want out, now!' I yelled, ignoring the Lauren mannequin in front of me.

'You leave when i die Camila, those are the rules, if you don't you're gonna be stuck here for another 50 years. Think you can wait that long? I might get bored of searching for you again, if if i even bother to look this time that is'  the figure grinned slyly. 

'Oh give it a rest, you already played your best hand and it failed. You're all out of moves' i said tauntingly. 

'What're you gonna do when you wake up Camila, huh? Are you gonna confront me? Yell at me? Accuse me of being the cold hearted killer you know i am deep down inside?'  she continued, squaring up to me with her head tilted at an angle. 'And then what? Are you gonna forgive me Camzi? And why? Because you love me? God, you really are the most pathetic creature i have ever met' 

There's nothing to forgive because Lauren wasn't there, she knows that and i know that, and we both know that the other person knows it which is why she's hanging it over my head. And even if she was i mean... What does it mean? It still doesn't make her the vindictive creature they're proclaiming her to be but- Jesus, this is so messed up.  

'Oh grow a backbone you spineless dog. She killed your friends, she left you to rot, she's a monster unworthy of forgiveness!' they yelled in frustration.

'She? What happened to 'I'? I mean you are pretending to be Lauren, right? That is what this whole charade is about?' I'm really just stalling at this point, but what are my options otherwise, they actually could keep me here if they wanted to and fifty years spent trapped in my own mind while fully conscious and not to mention sober sounds like hell. I can barely stand being left to my own thoughts let alone battling with a Megan Fox lookalike controlled by a bunch of sadistic Werewolves who get their kicks out of forcing me to relive every scarring moment of my life. I need an exit, and if i can't force them to let me out i'll have to make one myself... somehow. 

Okay so, from what i understand, we're in my head... or my heart? Or some part of my body where all my feelings are kind of generally located, and they somehow managed to string together this weird manifestation of my ex girlfriend and use her to talk to me all in the hopes of me getting so mad that i kill her in a fit of anger thereby supernaturally severing my connection to her? So the only way out is for me to kill her? Question is, does it matter which one of us dies? As long as there is a life taken, would mine qualify and meet the needs of this test? I'm just thinking there's gotta be some kind of loophole right?

I just hope killing myself in some weird illusionary fantasy doesn't accidentally kill me in the real world. That would be just my luck, the one time i try outsmarting my enemy and i do the hard part for them. 

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