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Potential TW

Do i even try anymore?

Like I think I've just given up

If I hurt, I hurt. I'm not faking happy anymore, it's tiring.

I give into to urges alot easier now. I just don't care anymore, atleast not as much. 

I've sorta stopped giving as much of a shit about myself as i used too.

Like who gives a shit anymore what I do to myself? I'm a huge let down anyway so whatever?

My irls say I should kill myself and I'm worthless so like ? No one really cares and they'd rather me not be here so like eh I might aswell not be here? But y'all apparently like me? So idk. I'll atleast stay here I guess.

Idk what this ramble is.

Anyway Idek how to end this now or where to take it

Fuck it


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