
19 4 12

I got an app
It was advertised to me as an lgbt safe app I could make lgbt friends on

Oh boy was that wrong

The transphobia I got today


And you know what also sexism.

My dysphoria is now sky high but I'm working on it.

I just hate being trans.


Sometimes I pass online and people don't question a thing.

But then

No. Not today.

You know what I'm tired. And think, this is just online. I'm not even out irl yet. How much hate am I going to get????

I'm scared.

Just why r ppl like this? Why???

My dick isn't any of your business and doesn't define my gender.

I got that load from someone on Instagram on Monday and now this

I'm sick of it already this is only the beginning in my life.

Sometimes i think maybe I should just forget about being trans. Go back to my deadname and just try ignore it forever or  until I'm ready to come out.... atleast it's safer but I can't bc then I'm trapped and I hate that too.

People are assholes.

I hate life.

Being trans SUCKS and don't anyone ever tell me otherwise.
The amount of internalised self hate then the hate from other people is hell.


But I hate it.
I'll never ever be proud of being trans.
I'll be proud of surviving and living and Coping, but for being trans? No.
I'm not proud for being stuck in my own hell.

Idk what else to say.

Maybe I'll stay away from some spaces  online for abit.....


I love you all lots and lots and um sorry if I seem off sometimes

Yh bye x

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