9/9/2018- okay so

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hey! ok so i said todays been a weird one on ma message board... its not been THAT weird but like i wanna talk about it sooooooo yeah! 

Basically- transphobic ASSHOLES.

Ok so i tweeted that x factor thing anddddddddd got quite alot of assholes saying shit to me... which i just about ignored apart from one or two ppl....... that hurts but eh its fine whatever.

Apparently im a special snowflake who is a reason the lgbt community has a bad image ? lol k. 

Thennnn some asshole who's been treating my bf badly messaged me. OH DAMN WAS HE SUCH AN ASSHOLE I STFG.

"Your name isnt billie. ur old name is ur name. billie is just a nickname" hello no my actual name is billie stfu. 

"gender and sex r the same thing!! ThErE'S OnLy TwO GeNdErS" nope. gender is a spectrum. and sex is biological. and theres even like 3 sexes so shush. 

"a big change from str8 to queer/ suddenly being trans is definitely a 'phase'" oh but that one got better... "OR A DISORDER"


my. name. is. billie. 
i. am. trans. 
it. is. not. a. disorder. 

oh and another one from twitter that was fun... "there's no such thing as a deadname" 
gr8. yh. soooo that old name that i HATE ???? WHATS THAT THEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Oh. and my dad was being racist af. again.

dude. just bc you "work with asian ppl" doesn't mean what ur saying isnt racist AF.

ugh. ppl piss me offffffffffff

now imma go panic bc i go back college tomorrow hahahahhaha...........

rip me 

later peeps x

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