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Lol I was in such a good mood till Mr transphobic decided to turn up

He was really horrible ....

He kept saying I'm a boy
Being trans is a mental illness
Being trans is just a trend
I'm really just a gay guy
Being bi/pan is just half gay

He called me 3 slurs in one sentence

TW for them ⬇️

(Faggot, tranny and dyke)

He said if he was with me in person he would beat me up and physically hurt me

He said I've probably been bullied in life and no.wonder because "this is how I am"

And a bunch of other small things

U no what

I'm ready to go sleep now.

Way to bring my mood down....

But I'm ok.
I did cry alot and I went sorta quiet and numb I guess but I'm ok.


I nearly relapsed... but I'm proud bc I didn't and my arm is still clean and that's really good and I'm really proud of myself for that. I won't let horrible People like that push me to that, not again.

It still all stings but I've reported the main comment and his acc so that's done.

Ppl can be assholes. Ppl r idiots.

Oof bi

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