10-9-18 : 1st day back at college....

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Its been HELLA boring. They changed my time.table so its rlly shitty.
Was rlllyyyyy boring holy shit.
But thats the least of it.

Ali and lyds? Yh. They're only in ONE DAY the same.as me ALL FUCKING WEEK 😭😭😭😭

Genuinely nearly cried....


I was like hoping.that this year at college I'd have a friendship group... to hang out with everyday... and like finally enjoy college?
But oh well. Never fucking mind.
Nothing ever works out. Lmao. College is gonna be just as boring as last year 🤷‍♀️

Im making a big deal bc having one friend at college who u rlly dont have much in common with sucks. At high school i had MY group of friends. Like a rlly awesome group of ppl!!! And i reallyyyy miss that so so so much and i finally get this group of ppl. And like i was looking forward to having this year with them.... but no. I get one day a week and we do different subjects soooo we wont even be around eachother all day anyway !!! I'll get lunch times (if they r the same time) and maybe abit after b4 the bus but that still sucks ugh.

I wanted my bus buddy... Lydia. Like ugh the bus is so boring too i gotta deao with all the idiots and random ppl sitting next to me (enter, anxiety)

Ugh im making.a big deal.but its bc i thought this college year would be different and I'd like properly enjoy it with an actual.group of friends but i guess not. Ugh oh well.

Imma go now


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