Dysphoria Rant 🖤 (brief mention of sh)

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When I'm feeling REAL shit bc of my dysphoria and my cis friends wanna cheer mr up or try and help .... they tend to be useless.
Maybe like one or two get it. But that's it.
They're like r u ok? U seem sad?
I say it's dysphoria and like ok usually get "what's that?" And then "oh" that's it. Or they try but don't know wt to say to help.... not their fault. I'm not blaming anyone for anything.

Only other trans ppl get it. I have one cis friend who helps and understands but I guess she has good reasons she understands.

And when all my trans friends r offline.
Or i don't wanna bother certain ones in case i trigger them....
I feel really damn alone. Bc I bring it up with a cis friend and they don't know what to do.
The conversation gets awkward.
And I leave.
Then idk where to go... Bc I want a full conversation not just me venting bc I need to be comforted ... that sounds rlly up myself and attention seeking.
But there's nothing wrong with wanting to be told it'll be okay... that the other person actually understands and will talk to u about it and that they will internet hug you.

It's nicer to have someone who gets it...

A lot of ppl don't understand the full on breakdowns bc of it.
They don't get why I use self harm to cope with it. They don't understand like how much it consumes your life and makes it hard for you to even just go outside your room....

I try to explain how bad it is to ppl but I can never find the words.... it's just "hell" to me.

Idek what this is. I just needed to rant about dysphoria

I'm not finger pointing at anyone! I'm just saying....



Dysphoria sucks and makes me want to die

Bye x

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