just thinkin'

57 5 18

You know, it's a good job i know how to keep my mouth shut.
If i told everyone everything i thought I'd be such a toxic friend. Like some ppl im so attatched to?!
I'd be smothering them and eventually hurt them. Guess the fact i overthink talking to ppl helps there bc im not down everyone's neck messaging them 24/7. Bc if i didnt get anxious then i would be doing that lmao. Thank fuck for anxiety lmaoooo (im kidding ofc)
If i ever get too needy or clingy pls tell me. I dont think im too bad anymore but still pls tell me if i ammm.

There's some things i overthink about when someone doesn't message me for a whileeee. Or if they say they gotta go i sometimes start to think i bored themmm bc im bad at conversationnn or something but i dont tell anyone bc i come across needy and like i constantly constantly need reassurance and even then i hardly believe it bc i overthinkkk. If i said to someone, one of my bffs, like "aaah im sorry did i bore you aaah im an idiot sorry aaah aaah" constantly thennn I'd get rlly annoying sooo i keep my mouth shutt. But 99.9% chance I've worried about when y'all have to leave the conversation, even if I'm given a perfectly valid reason, that it's me and ive done something wrongg.

Idek if im making sense at this point but its outta ma head so oh welll.

Basically i overthink shit but keep my mouth shut bc i dont wanna look stupid or become annoying lolsss

Ok ily all (tbh i trust y'all on here dont hate me this is less u peeps and more other peeps but um yh)

Bye for nowww x

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