College // Uni

19 5 21

Okay sooo I just got back from college.
(At like 8pm)
Because I stayed for an open evening thing.
My college has a university centre so I could stay and do uni course if I wanted sooo i was staying to learn about that and stuff right?

I was pretty sure I wanted to go a uni further away. I wanted to go somewhere new and be more independent etc right?

But actually I think maybe I wanna stay?
Most universities have classes of 200-300 students. Here it'll be around 20 at most.
Which means I can get help alot easier and more support on the course than I would somewhere else.
Its only two days a week so I can continue to live at home (which is a slight bummer but also has positives) and get a pretty good job on top of that.
It's also still classed as full time so I still get my financial support.
It's the same teachers I have now! Which means they know how I work, i know how the teach. We have a trust already to build on and I already know them so won't feel as much nervousness about starting uni next year.
So even if I know  NO ONE in the class, I'll know the lecturers, and I quite like that.

Its business AND events so it's a little different. The events side means I might need to get over some socially awkward/anxiety issues but in the end being forced into uncomfortable social situations might help me grow my confidence? The fact it's different keeps it a little more interesting than doing  the exact same thing I've been doing for the past year and a half at college (and 2 years in high school) already, with the business side of things.
It's also a foundation degree so if I wanted in 2 years time, to top up my qualifications I could go on to a different university somewhere else and top up with either business or events.
So.i can  stay at my current college, do this uni course for two years start uni life with some familiarity to it,but it also gives me the chance to start a little fresh at this place and maybe give it a chance to be seen as a more positive experience in my memory?
I can meet new friends and get different experiences without going anywhere?
I can maybe grow my confidence whilst on the two years staying here and getting a high  qualification, before going on to a proper university establishment where I can move to and live on campus. Because by that point I'll be more confident and able to do what I want to do.
I will also then have a choice to do a business top up or an events top up, so I can choose what I prefer.
(It also gives me the chance to maybe take a year out if I wanted too.)
Also I assume a top up course at uni is less time than a full course, so rather than being 4 years it'd maybe be another two? So I'm not tied down to one place for another 4 years of my life.

It means I will have studied 4 years at my current college, where I only planned on two and nearly considered just one, but I think maybe that's a good thing.

The only issue is staying at home gives me less freedom. I half hoped that I could move to a new place and there I can be who I want, dress how I want, act how I want, without family even being near me.
But for the sake of my education and how comfortable I'm going to feel, I think staying where i am is gonna be best  :)

And the Uni side will be more enjoyable than the college side I think.
Because there'll be no idiots in the class.
They're all gonna be there bc they wanna be and bc they care to be.
Not to be there to piss about and bully people!

It also means I have the same links and support for the wellbeing and mental health care side of college, I'll admit I haven't used it since before summer, but  atleast I know its there.

ALSO in the second year we get to do topics on tourism and how it benefits economies and stuff !!! And this might sounds realllyyyy boring and sad but I rlly enjoy that sorta stuff !! We used to do it in geography in high school and the business side of tourism was always one of my strong points !! I enjoyed it !!  So that's cool !!!


I wanted to ramble my thoughts hehe

I love you alllllll sooooo muchhh!!!

THIS BITCH is going to eat a donut now bc she's fat and doenst care XD .

I'm weird I know,,,, sorry


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