random but

23 6 12

I get an extra day off college this week

And honestly I'm so glad ngl

I need it.

I was busy all last week.

Mon-wed was college

Thurs&Fri i went work and did the closing down which was so tiring

Saturday wasn't tooo bad but I had to go to a meal out with work. Kinda late. And was very tired all day.

Then Sunday was nice BUT I went out with my best friend and was rlly tired...

Now college Monday and Tuesday

But tomorrow, Wednesday, I get an extra day off ! Then I'm off until Monday again!

Lol I'm unemployed again.

BUT either way !

I'll get to chill for 3 days by myself so that's pretty cool.

I might have things to do at home but atleast I'm not doing anything majorly crazy and can do it when I want too

Can't wait tbh

Anyway this was random

Bibi x

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