Self Positivity

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Hi ok so im officially deciding im gonna 10000% totally try to be more confident innn myself anddd how i look. (as well as i can whilst coping with dysphoria lol)

But i need to love myself abit more and stop saying bad things about myself cos its not healthy and not good for me. 

basically yesterday i went all hypo on y'all andddd im thinking i wanna be that positive more ? lol.

also elliott (heyyyy !!!) made me say im beautiful earlier andd then made me blush and like i feel nice and soft and cute when im being happy andddd he sorta i guess made me think i could be abit more self confident ? cos it feels nice and idk just thankyou elliott ! 

alsooo me and alex (HEY BOYFRIEND ILYYYYYYY) were just talking...  i said im fat. which i am. im not skinny anddd the doctor told me im overweight soooooooooooooo anyone who tells me otherwise to be nice is lying ok? ok. But i did try to be positive and say
 well u no what i might be fat but that doesnt make me less pretty right? i can still be beuatiful! and i need to remind myself of that :)
Then i was looking at tops and said i think crop tops r cute but "i have a squishy tum tum so i would look silly" which is true but i think making it sound cute "squishy tum tum" is kinda good? makes me feel like its cute hehe. He said i should shush bc i can wear what i want and wouldn't look stupid.... but i mean with no breasts i aint even got anything for a crop top to like sit properly on so like it'd look silly... but if i did maybe it could turn cute and if i wore high waisted jeans i could look ok and it just be cute squishy tum tum and not huge blobby tummy...


also imma try eating healthier andddddddd maybe exercise abit idk... just to feel abit better about myself? to say im trying. i wanna get my bike fixed tbh. i like riding my bike, its fun. 
I would go swimming bc actually its fun but i get insecure and if dysphoria hits when swimming its never good lolssssssssssssssssss

idk how. i got a few ideas ? just small things anddd when i go to say something negative imma try stop myself and talk myself out of it or tell myself why its not true ? idk. 

Anyway later gaysssssssssssssssssssssssssss xoxox

p.s. i need to stop being so active lol

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