Chapter 16

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Alright you guys, I woke up at 7:30 in the morning to finish this for you, so you better show some appreciation and vote it up and leave some heartfelt comments!!;)

Chapter 16

Ana's POV

"So why exactly are you dragging me to Walmart? Because I know for a fact we still have cheese." Zayn said, crossing his arms. My hands clenched around the steering wheel and I took a deep breath.

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone." I started off. He nodded and I started rambling really quickly "Imissedmy periodandI thinkImightbepregnant."

"Umm...what?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I missed my period Zayn. I think I'm pregnant." I whispered.

I glanced over to him from the corner of my eye. He sucked in his cheeks as he took in the news.

"Alright," he finally exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So why isn't Louis sitting in this seat? Why me?"

"I don't know! I panicked when I realized." I said, slamming my hand down on the steering wheel.

"Well, don't you think you should tell him?"

"I'm not even positive if I am or not yet. I don't wanna tell him then have a false alarm."

We pulled up to the store and got out of the car.

"Wait," Zayn said, putting a hand on my shoulder and boring my eyes with his brown ones. "We can't buy the test together, what would the press assume of that?"

My eyes widened. "Your right! I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

"It's alright. I'll go buy some shampoo or something while you pick that up. I'll meet you at the bathrooms alright?"

I nodded and he gave my arm a squeeze. "Everything will be alright." he smiled lightly. I bid him goodbye and started on my mission.

I walked down the aisles until I found the pregnancy tests. Which one do I choose?

Frowning, I bought one of each, resulting in 11 sticks total.

Well, good thing I've been drinking a lot of water.

Checking out I headed for the bathroom. Not seeing Zayn anywhere I headed inside, getting inside a stall and locking the door.

I pulled one of the boxes out and stared at it. This right here will determine my fate. I'm putting my trust in a $9.99 box.

I sighed and pulled out the stick, reading the instructions. Pee on stick, wait five minutes. If there's a positive sign, your pregnant. If its negative, your not.

I unzipped my pants, silently praying for a negative.

Here goes everything.

***Zayns POV***

Walking into the shampoo section, I knew I couldn't actually buy any. Mines special ordered, not something you can get anywhere. So I stood there, staring at the cheap bottles, just thinking.

What's going to happen if she really is pregnant? What will that mean for the band? Will there even be a band after this?

Louie's not really the best choice for a father. Granted, he's really good with kids, but he'll never be home. His job consumes most of his life.

If Ana is pregnant, I feel bad for this child. He or she will have one hell of a life.

I ended up only buying a pack of gum and cigarettes and made my way to the bathroom.

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