Chapter 14

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hey I'm baack:) sorry this took so long but I had a date guys!!! It went swimmingly<3

Anyways that was extremely exciting and distracted me from writing for a few days lol but I'm here now:)

Chapter 14


I woke up the next morning alone.


I stumbled down the stairs to find Louis standing at the stove with his back to me, a spatula in hand. I walked over and wrapped my hands around his waist, kissing his shoulder softly.

"Good morning love, you want some eggs?" he pointed towards the pan on the stove.

"You know what I want," I smiled at him, he knew my favorite breakfast food.

He rolled his eyes but reached in the cabinet and pulled out another pan, placing it on a burner. He went into the fridge and grabbed some bologna.

"I don't know how you can eat this, it's gross." he commented while picking up a slice and placing it on the heated up pan. It sizzled as it hit the metal surface.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Fried bologna is amazing just so you know." I put a hand on my hip.

After a minute of frying he took it and put it on a plate, handing me a fork as well. I went into the fridge and grabbed the maple syrup, drizzling it on top of the meat. He wrinkled his nose.

"You're so weird."

I just smiled and shoveled the yumminess into my mouth.

Niall came down the stairs in nothing but sweatpants. He slumped into the seat next to mine, taking a big whiff.

"What's that smell?" he yawned out.

"Just the grossest breakfast ever." Lou responded. I hit him on the shoulder.

"Be quiet. You have to try this Niall it's amazing." I said, putting a piece on my fork and forcing it down his throat. He gulped it down an his eyes lit up.

"That's amazing! What is it?"

"YES!! A BELIEVER!" I yelled, fist pumping the air. Lou rolled his eyes.

"Way to just go to the dark side mate." he muttered. Niall grabbed my plate away from me and ate the rest of it.

"Hey that was mine!" I complained. He gave an innocent smile.

"Er, sorry?" I rolled my eyes at his cuteness and grabbed another piece of bologna, eating it plain.

Liam and Zayn walked in, neither wearing shirts as well, and slipped into seats, starting to eat their eggs in robotic motions.

"So what's the plan today?" I asked.

"Well me and Haz are going golfing," Liam said in between mouthfuls.

"Niall and I are going shopping," Zayn added. I looked over at Lou.

"So that leaves me and you!" I smiled. He returned it.

"I wanna go to the zoo!" he said excitedly. I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah let's go!" I ran up the stairs to go get dressed.

"Louis look look! I said, dragging him over to one of the cages. "Flamingos!" I stared in awe at the graceful pink birds. He chuckled.

"Why have you always been fascinated with them? They're just birds!" He said, wrapping an arm around my waist as I watched them.

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