Everything About You

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hey so this is my first fan-fiction book ever so if you like it please rate or comment. Also, Im not a HUGE fan of 1D, so if I mess something about them up please tell me so I can make it more accurate:) thanks!

Chapter 1:

"LOOOUUIIEE!!!" I shrieked, running towards my best friend. Yup, that's right, Louis Tomlinson Aka 1/5 of One Direction is my best friend.

"AAANNNAAA!!" he yelled back, dropping his bags on the cold airport floor as he ran twice as fast towards me, his arms spread wide. Anyone else in the airport would think we're crazy, and their probably right, but I didn't care. I haven't seen him in almost a year.

We both ran towards each other, arms opened wide. Neither of us slowed down as we approached each other.

SLAM! instead of embracing each other in a giant reunion hug, we crashed into each other and fell onto the floor. I groaned and held my head in pain.

"Well that's not what happens in the movies," I muttered to myself. "Are you alright Lou? Lou!" he wasn't moving, and looked as if he was out cold. I crawled over to wear he lay and sat next to him.

"OH LOU! Can you hear me?" I ran my hands through his hair and pushed it off his forehead. Did I kill him?

"Lou, if you can hear me, I'm sorry for that time when we were five and I pushed you out of the treehouse. It was me not the wind!" I moaned and dropped my head to his chest

I felt him rumble with laughter under my chest. "I KNEW IT!" he said accusingly pointing a finger at me.

"Lou your alive!" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Nevermind that! Why would you push me out of the tree?"

"Well, you threw my dolly out the window. I needed payback somehow..." I started.

FLASH! A man jumped out from behind a potted plant with a camera.

"Ooh, a new love interest for Louis Tomlinson. Any words, Louie?" he held out a recorder.

Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me up, grabbing his things we darted away from the cameraman.

"Run, love!" he yelled to me. We booked it all the way to the street.

"TAXI! I NEED A TAXI!" Louis shrieked into the road. More flashes went off around us as reporters came rushing out with new questions

"Who's this?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Lou, what's the scoop?"

"Does Samantha know about this?"

"AHH" I shrieked, pulling a hand up to cover my eyes, "Their everywhere!"

Finally a taxi pulled over and Louis threw his stuff in as we climbed inside. I let out a huge breath as the driver turned around.

"FOLLOW THAT CAR!" Louis shrieked, pointing at the black Sedan in front of us. The driver gave us a what-the-hell sort of look.

It was good to have my best friend back...

We pulled up to a giant mansion. I put my hands up to the window glass as I peered at the beautiful architecture in front of me.

"You...you live here?!" I asked shocked.

"Well I'm not alone, I have 4 roommates." he muttered before tugging on my hand. "Cmon I want you to meet them!"

"Louie no!" I shrieked as he tried tugging me out of the car. "What if they don't like me?"

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