The Group

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“Oh my God! Run!” Hayley laughed at the top of her voice, as all of the teenagers scrambled about, grabbing their bags as the pouring rain fell out of the night’s sky. The rain had come out of nowhere, and now everyone was grabbing everything in sight before bailing down the hill, back towards the town.

“Leave the tent, woman, grab the food!” Niall yelled, before bustling a load of packets of crisps and sweets in a backpack and then throwing it over his shoulder. Amaia burst out laughing, before grabbing the now, cold and wet duvet that she and Niall had been snuggled in.

“Where’s Zayn? Zayn!” Hayley yelled again, covering her beloved camera with Zayn’s jacket. The rain was getting heavier.

“Guys, just leave the tents, grab the bags, duvets and get to my house!” Liam yelled again, taking charge of them all.

“I’m soaked! Liam where’s your house?!” Louis yelled, before he and Liam started to run down the hill, Louis would still be half in, half out of his sleeping bag.

“Hayley, what have you done with my shoes?” Zayn asked, bailing out of the tent that he and his new girlfriend had been sharing. In his hands were holding the pair of converses that were hers. His hair was wet, scruffy and all over his face. Hayley loved it. She smiled up at him, before sticking out her foot to show off the huge boots she was wearing that belonged to him. He rolled his eyes at her, before they both went running down the hill, after Liam and Louis.

“Oh, it’s cool, I’ll just muck up my socks, it’s fine!” Zayn yelled, as he and Hayley ran down the hill hand in hand, Hayley giving the odd squeal as she slipped over in his boots.

“My hair, oh my gosh!” Amaia shrieked, before she pulled her backpack over her head. Niall suddenly stopped what he was doing. He was in the middle of a field, at the middle of the night, and it was raining. Amaia grabbed on his hand and turned away to drag him back to Liam’s house.

“Amaia.” Niall replied, pulling her back. She looked over him worriedly for a moment and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, still holding tightly onto the backpack above her head. He shook his head and smiled, before he put his cheek on her hand and then bent down slightly to place a soft kiss on her lips. The rain was still pouring onto them but they both were far from caring by now. When the kiss ended, Amaia looked up at Niall and couldn’t help but let out a giggle.

“A kiss in the rain…” He smiled at her. She laughed and grabbed his hand again. He picked up the backpack again, and they both followed the others back to Liam’s house, purely laughing at nothing.    

Once they all got back to the safety of Liam’s house, Liam walked back into his living room and laughed at the sight of the teenagers all ganged together, covered in towels.

“You all look hilarious…” He laughed, before he started handing out more towels and blankets to them all. They’d all had a mad dash to Liam’s house since his folks weren’t in, and were now setting up camp in the living room.

“Says you, your hair has gone proper curly Liam!” Niall laughed, as he and Amaia were cuddled up on Liam’s sofa. The rest of them were all sat on the floor, now fighting over the blankets that Liam had thrown at their feet. Hayley looked over to Louis and giggled, and Louis winked back, before sticking his tongue out at her. She mirrored his actions. Both knowing why they were teasing each other.

“Anyone want some food?” Niall asked, pulling out his backpack and then pulling out endless food products. The boy was a walking wall mart. They all shook their heads and laughed. The teenagers talked for a little, as they dried themselves off. Liam switched off the main light, before he crawled into his end of the long mattress that was in his living room.

“Well, night guys.” He said, as he got cuddled into the duvet next to him. 

“Don’t get cuddled up too soon, I want a photo of us all.” Hayley suddenly said, as she pulled out her camera.

“Why now?” Liam moaned, before Louis jumped on him and posed for Hayley. Everyone did the same, as Hayley went through her camera settings and put it onto the set timer.

“Because right now is a special moment, you need to capture the special moments, stupid.” She replied, before balancing her camera on a coffee table where it was in view of them all. She clicked the trigger, and joined her friends as they all sat in a huge huddle, Liam lying at the bottom of them all. The camera flashed and captured the moment that all of the group would remember, for the rest of their lives.

“Hey, out of the group, who’d you think is going to be most successful?” Hayley asked, curiously. They all looked around, before looking at Liam.

“I think Liam.” Louis replied, and the rest of them nodded.

“Why?” He mumbled, as he fell asleep.

“Because you’re the cleverest!” Niall chuckled. They carried on their conversation, talking about who they thought was going to do what and why, and eventually each teenager began to fall asleep one by one. Liam was first, closely followed my Amaia, then it was Zayn, Niall was next, and now Hayley and Louis were last. They were both next to each other, with Liam on Lou’s side and Zayn on Hayley’s side.

“Do you think Harry’s ever going to change? Stop being that side of him and be who he really is?” Louis whispered, looking at Hayley. She smiled and nodded.

“To be honest, I think he will, with your help. He seems like he’s going to need to lean on you a lot, and with your help, you can pull him through anything, like he’ll do with you.” Hayley replied, before holding his hand. Louis smiled at her and then stroked her cheek, before pulling her into a hug. She squeezed him tightly before releasing him with a smile.

“Night, Boobear.” She smiled cheekily. Louis rolled his eyes and looked at Amaia and Niall shaking his head. He was going to get them back for that.

“Night, Hayley-boo.” Louis replied with a wink, before they both got tucked under their duvets. Zayn instinctively pulled Hayley closer to him and kissed the small patch of skin behind her ear, before falling back asleep. They all slept with smiles on their faces.     

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