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Zayn walked into the art room, hoping to kill some time before his Mum had planned to pick him up at four, so he thought he’d spend half an hour in the art room, getting ahead with all of the art stuff he was expected to do. That’s when he walked in and saw her, the girl who Harry was such a dickhead too at the start of the day. She looked so innocent and harmless. She looked up shyly and smiled, not really knowing how to welcome his presence. She pulled out the chair next to her with a smile. Zayn smiled back and sat next to her, pulling out his pencil case and then the huge black sketchbooks that art students had to carry around with them all day.

“I’m surprised you want to sit with me.” Zayn let out, thinking back to the harsh words she had first said to him. She looked up and bit her lip.

“I saw you ditch him, by the vendors. I was hidden in the toilets washing mascara away from my eyes…” Hayley replied, looking up at Zayn with a small smile.

“I didn’t like how he treated you. I think he’s like one of those kids who got too much material shit as they grew up.” Zayn replied. He looked into her eyes and smiled, she was quite a pretty girl, and she seemed so nice. Why would they all be such pricks to her? She shrugged and went back to the small sketch she was drawing.

“Surprisingly, it wasn’t like that at all…” She sighed, not looking up at Zayn now.

“Ohh…how’d you know?” Zayn asked, not knowing whether he should really seem this curious when he’d known the girl five minutes. She shrugged again.

“It’s a pointless story. Don’t worry about it. So, how are you finding Walton High?” She asked, her voice perkier towards the end of the sentence. Zayn nodded.

“I think it’s like one of those TV shows…so much drama.” He replied honestly. She gave out a little giggle and nodded.

“Yeah, me and Liam, he’s my best friend, we know it all too well. But, you’re only having one year of it, try five of the beasts!” She replied jokingly.

“I’ll tell you what though,” Zayn started, as he suddenly felt so much more relaxed now it was as if he had found a decent friend here. She looked up at him with a smile.

“That headmistress has the chubbiest face, ever.” Zayn laughed. Hayley started to laugh too, and before they both knew it, they were both having a competition to see who could draw her the best. Zayn was still chuckling, before he realised Hayley was looking up at the door like a kid caught eating cookie dough. He heard her swallow before he looked up and saw Harry, and a guy he saw on the stairs earlier.

“Hey guys! Seen a blue folder around here?” The guy from the stairs asked, before sending a stern look towards Harry and leaving his side to look for his folder.

“Never knew you did art, Zayn.” Harry spoke up, forcing a smile. Zayn smiled and nodded as he looked up at Harry awkwardly. By this time he had acknowledged that Hayley was sat working intently, as if she was trying to be invisible.

“Art and English are the only lessons I can do.” Zayn replied quietly, as he felt the shyness creep up inside of him. Hayley let out a giggle and Zayn turned around to look at her, to see what had caught her attention.

“Same here.” She giggled, looking up at him with a smile.

“Looks like we’re going to be the bestest of friends then.” Zayn chuckled; paying more attention to Hayley then what the other two guys were doing in the room.

“Zayn, I heard this hilarious joke man.” Harry said, walking over to them both. Hayley bit on her lip nervously, as she drew. Zayn looked up at Harry, wanting to see what the joke was, when he noticed the big bottle of blue paint in Harry’s hand. 

“What do you get when you cross blue paint, and a dog?” Harry asked with a laugh. Zayn shrugged and swallowed, just knowing what was coming. He’d seen the way that Harry acted towards Hayley, and the way this was going wasn’t too good. Zayn watched in shock as Harry suddenly tipped the bottle of blue paint over and pouring it over Hayley. Her eyes closed and she dropped her pencil and covered up her face, as the blue liquid poured down her hair, arms and hands, before spilling all over her clothes and work.

“You get Hayley.” Harry simply replied, dropping the paint bottle on the floor and then turning around to Louis. Zayn had no idea what to do. Hayley slowly pulled her blue hands away from her face, and Zayn saw the prickle of tears at her eyes. Zayn felt like he was paralysed, who did that to anyone? A girl especially. Zayn’s fists clenched together in anger.

“Got your folder man? Let’s go.” Harry replied, shoving his hands into his pockets, and then heading out of the classroom. The guy from the stairs quickly rushed over, as Hayley was trying to stop the paint from spilling into her eyes. 

“Hayley, are you alright?” Stair guy quickly asked.

“Lou, Come on! Fifa night! Hurry the fuck up!” Harry shouted from outside of the classroom. The stair guy did what looked like a type of dance, he moved left and then right, as if deciding to stay or go. 

“For fuck’s sake…sorry Hayley.” He finally said, before rushing out after Harry. The two boys left the art room, leaving us on our own.

“Are you okay? Hayley?” Zayn asked her, remembering her name. She tried to smile and nod.

“I’ve had worse than this. He poured glue into my hair last year, I’d rather blue paint than glue.” She sighed, looking up at the time. It was four. Shit, Zayn had to go and meet his Mum. But how could he leave Hayley, when she’d just been turned blue? Before he had a chance to battle with his conscience, another guy Zayn recognised from the stairs walking into the room.

“Fucking hell!” He outburst rushing over. Zayn’s mobile started going off in his pocket.

“Hayley, I’d stay but my mum-” He started, before she cut me off.

“It’s cool, you go. See you around.” She said, as the other guy started getting a bunch of paper towels. Zayn felt bad, but his phone was still going off, and it would be his Mum. He smiled before grabbing his stuff and leaving. What a great first day… 

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