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“It scared me more than anything Liam…he just rushed out of nowhere and started yelling at Zayn, telling him how he wasn’t allowed to look at me or go near me, because I was Harry’s girl…Harry Styles likes me…can you believe that?” Hayley explained, as she and Liam sat on her double bed. It was coming up to midnight, and they had been talking all night. In the background the TV was playing on low volume, as they sat with the curtains still open, letting in the moonlight. They always sat like this when they needed a long talk, whether it was at Hayley or Liam’s place. Liam shook his head and shrugged. He was still contemplating if this was all just a dream.

“I don’t know Hayles…it’s all too confusing.” He sighed, with a yawn.

“You’re confused? I found out the guy who’s been treating me like crap all these years all of a sudden likes me! But it kind of makes sense in a way…a weird mother fucking way!” Hayley replied. Liam shrugged again.

“I don’t know…I think he’s fucked up in the brain.” Liam replied, before having a sip from the huge bottle of pop we were sharing. They figured it would keep them awake for as long as possible.

“Would you judge me if I felt sorry for him?” she asked Liam, honestly. She could tell Liam was tired, because he kept shrugging and sighing. He was wrapped up under the duvet anyway. They were both such good friends that they practically lived in the same house, and it never meant anything. They were just way too lazy to put up the spare bed.

“I feel sorry for him, simply because he’s a jackass.” Liam replied, having another drink.

“Well yes, there is that.” Hayley agreed.

“It’s just, he went so crazy, there was so much emotion there…then he stroked my hair behind my ear….I don’t know Liam…” She sighed, still in a lot of confusion. Liam quickly sat up and looked at his best friend warningly.

“Oh no Hayley…please don’t tell me you like him…he’s been treating you like crap for years, and out of nowhere he lays all of this down on you!” Liam quickly demanded. She shook her head.

“I may be stupid but I’m not crazy, Liam! How could I like him like…that? But I feel sorry for him…” Hayley defended herself quickly. There was no chance in hell, heaven, earth, anywhere that she could ever like Harry styles in any shape or form after all the shit he had put her through, but there was a tiny part of Hayley that felt sorry for him. She felt bad for the whole persona he had put over himself over the years. Liam sighed.

“Good, because you’d be crazy to go and have feelings for a douche like that. Just promise me you won’t go doing anything stupid?” Liam asked, leaning forward and staring at his best friend. Hayley tilted her head to the side.

“Don’t you trust me Liam?” she asked him, before getting off her bed and going over to the small fish tank in her room. Hayley and Liam had both won fish at the funfair, and kept them at Hayley’s place because they freaked out Liam’s Mum. She started feeding the two goldfish as they bobbed around the tank.

“I trust you Hayley, of course I do. I just don’t trust him.” Liam told her, matter of factly.

“Well it’s not like I trust him either!” She quickly replied, before going back to the bed.

“I just feel sorry for him, that’s all.” She added with a shrug. Liam sighed and nodded before he got underneath the duvet with a yawn.

“Right, goodnight then, babe. See you in the morning.” Liam said, before getting comfy. She crawled in next to him and put her head down on the fluffy pillow, they always shared the bed, as strange as other people found it.

“Na’night…” she replied, before Hayley felt her heavy eyelids close. Liam then sat up in bed and let out an annoyed groan.

“What?” Hayley asked, opening one eye to look at him.

“We haven’t done the maths homework…” Liam moaned, before reaching for his school bag. Hayley rolled her eyes before she sat up too, and the two teenagers finally did their maths homework, at midnight.          

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