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Niall looked around the form room.

“Louis Tomlinson?” The form teacher asked, as they took the afternoon register. The form room fell silent and people looked over towards the table where Niall was sat alone. He shrugged.

“He should be in school…but he’s not here right now…” Niall explained. He tried to wonder where Louis would be as the school bell rang. Niall picked up his school bag and threw it over his shoulder as the class filtered out. Next lesson he had English with Louis, so he was hoping Louis would show up and fill him in on why his best friend had disappeared out of nowhere. Niall walked out of the art room and walked over to the stairs and headed up to the English landing, directly above. He put a stick of gum in his mouth as he thought about where Louis could be. He couldn’t have gone to the toilet before the bell went, because that would have meant that he was on the toilet for like, ten minutes. Maybe he was sick and had gone home?

“Hey Niall! Hello…” Niall jumped slightly and turned around to see Amaia stood behind him smiling.

“You look like you’re in your own world, are you okay?” Amaia laughed, looking up at him. He immediately smiled down at her.

“Yeah, I was just thinking…Louis wasn’t in form and I was wondering where he had got too.” Niall replied.

“Oh…well, if I see him I’ll tell him to find you. See you later, Niall.” She smiled, before she went towards a different classroom.

“Bye babe!” Niall called without thinking, causing him to blush slightly. Amaia smiled at him before she walked into the classroom, followed by Hayley and Zayn. Niall went into his own classroom and looked around. He walked over to the normal seat at the back as everyone waited for the lesson to start. Liam was sat waiting for his two friends to come in.

“Hey man! Where’s Louis?” Liam greeted. He looked extremely reserved as if something was on his mind. He took out a hidden earphone from his ear. Niall sniggered before sitting down.

“Cunning, very cunning. And I don’t know, he wasn’t in form. You seen him around?” Niall asked curiously. Liam sighed and started to fiddle with the pen in his hands.

“Yeah, he was with Harry. Me and Harry had a disagreement, and Harry walked off with Lou following him.” Liam replied sourly. Niall frowned as he looked at Liam.

“What do you mean, Liam?” Niall asked curiously.

“It doesn’t matter, mate. But Louis is probably with Harry.” Liam replied, just as Louis walked into the classroom. Liam let out a scoff and put the earphone back in his ear. Louis walked over to Niall and smiled a little as he sat down next to him.

“Where you been, Louis? You weren’t in form.” Niall asked, looking at him. The classroom door opened again and Harry walked in. He put his hands into his pockets as he shuffled into the classroom, not making eye contact with anyone.

“It doesn’t matter Niall…” Louis sighed, as he started to play around with a pen just like Liam did. Niall looked from Liam to Louis as he sat in the middle of both of them. Why was everyone so upset and depressed all of a sudden?

“You sure, man? You guys are both so…” Niall whispered, as the teacher started rambling on about similes and metaphors.

“I’m fine, Niall!” the two boys suddenly said in unison. Niall jumped a little and the teacher looked up curiously before going back to her lesson. Niall continued to chew on the gum as he looked out of the window, seeing Bradford before him. The sun was shining on everything, what he would’ve done to be sat in Spanish with Amaia right now, talking about the weekend. The weekend camp out! How was that going to go down if everyone was in a mood like this? Niall let out a sigh as he thought of how awkward it might turn out. Well, he thought, we’ll all just have to wait and see. 

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