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Harry put down the Xbox controller with a sigh, before he picked up the huge bowl of popcorn. He looked over Louis, who was sat typing on his phone. He’d not been himself all night, and Harry was concerned. Harry frowned and leaned forward, and looked at him.

“Everything okay? You haven’t really been yourself tonight.” Harry asked, ruffling up his hair again. Louis scoffed, before leaning back in the sofa, and still tapped onto his phone.

“What?” Harry asked again, still concerned for his best friend. Louis was loud, playful and just barrels of fun, Louis didn’t normally sit tapping away on his phone quietly much. Louis sighed, before looking at Harry as if he was out of his mind.

“I’m disappointed.” Louis told him, with a sigh. Harry stayed quiet and simply watched Louis, before he smirked.

“Girl trouble?” Harry winked. Louis rolled his eyes and snarled.

“If you need advice, you can ask me.” Harry winked again, thinking that Louis must’ve had some sort of bed trouble with a girl. He nudged his friend, wanting to see what was up. Louis stayed quiet, still and he looked as if he was still pissed off. He looked off into the distance, as if he felt too sick to look at Harry. Harry frowned.

“What the fuck is up with you!” He finally gave in, throwing his hands in the air and standing up.

“Why are you acting like you’re on your fucking period!” Harry went on. Louis looked up at Harry with the same, disgraced look on his face.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Louis asked, his voice like ice. Harry felt his body drop as he looked down at his best friend. He knew what this was really about. Harry’s face fell, and he sat back down on the sofa in silence.

“Or do you?” Louis added, looking away from him again. Harry stayed quiet. When Louis was like this, it meant that there was going to be a lecture involved. Harry bit on his nails and looked at the floor, waiting for his best friend’s stern words to come.

“She’s fifteen, well, practically sixteen. Do you realise how much you are going to fuck her up, Harry? She’s a teenage girl, they will never forget being called the shit you call Hayley.” Louis spat out. Louis had had just enough of this, just like everyone else.

“You call her flat chested for fuck sake, she’s beautiful, and you know it more than anyone else.” Louis quickly added. Harry looked up at him.

“No I don’t, shut up.” He quickly hissed. Louis looked at him, his blue-grey eyes burning into Harry’s.

“Then there was the ‘trannie’ haircut. The only reason you started that one, was because you love her with her long hair, and she got it cut and you acted out, and ever since, she has been growing her hair, because you make her feel so insecure.” Louis went on, digging and digging at Harry.

“And then there was today, you thought Zayn was flirting with her, and you think that Zayn is your competition, so naturally, like the spoilt brat you are, you act out and do anything to make her life a misery.” Louis went on, working himself up, as well as Harry now.

“I’m not a spoilt brat!” Harry spat.

“You. Are. A. Spoilt. Brat.” Louis said, word for word.

“Yeah? And what have you got going for you, you sassy bitch?” Harry quickly turned it onto Louis, like he always did. He always had a habit of turning things onto the people around him.

“Harry, I have decent friends. The way you’re going, you’re not going to have anyone. And the one person you actually want? Well, you’ve blown every fucking chance in the book at getting with her.” Louis replied, harshly. He’d never been this harsh with Harry, but he felt he had too.

“I don’t want to get with her!” Harry snapped, facing Louis angrily. Louis stayed calm and simply raised his eyebrow as he looked over his friend, patronisingly.

“And why not?” Louis asked. Harry sat breathing for a minute, biting his lip as he looked at Louis. He was trying to find the words.

“Because she’s a loser, she’s ugly, she’s a bitch, she’s useless and worthless,” Harry started to spit out one by one, before he was interrupted by Louis.

“She’s the only girl who you’ve ever been crazy for. She’s the one girl that you have always wanted, ever since Primary school, but you can’t admit that, because you’re scared that if you like her even as a friend, you’ll wreck your ‘reputation’. You care too much about your reputation then the people around you. But that’s why you hate her, because you love her so much.” Louis explained. Harry had heard this many times from Louis, he expected all of this from Louis, but Harry still just couldn’t swallow his pride.

“I don’t like her.” Harry growled, even though both of the boys knew he was lying through his teeth. Louis sighed, before getting up and picking up Harry’s laptop. Harry sat anxiously, as he watched his best friend log on, and then look at the desktop wallpaper of the home screen.

“You don’t like her, eh?” Louis asked, looking at the photo of Hayley. Louis knew it had always been Harry’s favourite, because it was plastered on his phone, and across his room. It was simple; she was at the beach with some of her friends, when they had taken a photo of her, her hair blowing away from her face, the beach and sea behind her, as she smiled naturally. Harry frowned and went to close the laptop, but Louis slapped his hand away.

“Don’t hide it from me, I know everything about it. But now you have to deal with it, for the rest of your life. You have wrecked her teenage years, she’s never going to get those back, and whose fault is that?” Louis asked, before looking at him. Harry suddenly felt something he’d never felt before. His heartbeat was slow, and he looked down at the floor. A lone tear ran down his cheek, and he let out a sob, before whispering ‘mine.’            

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