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“Fucking whore…that bitch, slag, cow…” Harry hissed, as he watched the two teenagers from the other side of the street. He was leant against a wall, his loose hoodie covering his brown curls, as he watched Hayley and Zayn from across the street. Harry knew she’d do this, the first new guy in the school and she’d be first to jump on board. They were both stood talking, before Hayley pulled off her blazer. Harry quickly stood up on his feet, as his green eyes watched her. He didn’t like the way she was doing that, obviously flirting with the guy, and he didn’t like how Zayn was looking back at her. Harry found himself looking over her longingly. Louis’ words from yesterday popped into his head, about how Louis knew that Harry liked her. Harry scoffed. How could he like her? She was a waste of space. She suddenly waved and walked away from Zayn. Harry smirked to himself as he watched Zayn watch her go, and then cross the road onto the road Harry was on. He started walking, pulling his hood down and ruffling up his hair.

“Zayn! Hey Zayn!” He called, speeding up his pace. Zayn looked over at him, before smiling awkwardly and waiting for him to catch up.

“You alright man?” Harry asked, once he had caught up with Zayn and was stood face to face with him. Zayn smiled and nodded.

“Yeah thanks…how are you?” He asked quietly.

“I’m good thanks…saw you talking to Hayley Smith.” Harry quickly replied, before sighing and looking at the floor.

“And you care why?” Zayn quickly asked, his eyebrow rising in a questionable manner.

“You probably don’t like the way I treat her…” Harry started, putting his hands in his pockets. He was using up the best of his old drama lessons to pull this one off.

“Not really, Harry.” Zayn bluntly replied. Harry was a little taken back by his straightforward response, but didn’t let it show.

“And I guess you wonder why I act like that?” Harry went on, looking at Zayn again. Zayn was only about a centimetre taller than himself. Zayn nodded, waiting for Harry’s response.

“She looks so cute and innocent right?” Harry started, the words slipping off his tongue as the lie that he furiously came up with in his head unfolded. Zayn nodded again, cautiously.

“She’s not mate. You might not believe me, but that girl is like a blood-sucking spider. Sure, she acts all cute and giggly, uses the victim card so you pity her, and before you know it, she’s got you trapped, then she tangles you up in a world of rumours and lies, and before you know it, she’s spat you out and made you look like a fool, so she gets more pity. She did that to me, hence why I act like that to her.” Harry sighed, before biting on his lip and looking up at Zayn. Zayn was slowly nodding.

“Wow…” Zayn sighed, shuffling on the spot slightly. Harry sighed and nodded.

“Yepp, I just wanted to warn you. You seem like a good lad, you don’t need her crushing your heart.” Harry replied once more, feeling glad that Zayn had taken in his lie.

“That’s so bad…” Zayn sighed again. Harry nodded.

“I know.” He replied. Zayn quickly shook his head.

“No, not her, that lie you pulled. Nice try, Styles.” Zayn replied bluntly, before walking away from him. Harry’s face fell into a nasty snarl. His fists clenched as he watched Zayn walk down a street, before he turned around and started to head back to his own place. Zayn had just landed himself in so much trouble that it was unbelievable. If he wasn’t going to leave Hayley alone, then he was going to get something much worse. Harry pulled out his phone and immediately and started texting Aiden.

“Did you hear about the blue paint joke I pulled on Hayley, buddy?” He texted his friend, before sending the text and waiting for a response. Soon, his phone buzzed and he looked down at it.

“Very nice Styles! I’ve got a nice little idea involving her P.E lesson tomorrow, you in?” Aiden’s text flashed across the screen. Harry read it and grinned to himself, before walking to his house, demanding to hear of this idea. 

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