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“I just don’t see why it’s always her. They don’t pick on anyone else it’s always Hayley. Even she doesn’t know why, they’re such bastards to her.” Liam sighed, as he stood by the stairs. His friend’s Louis and Niall were sat at the bottom of them. It was break, and year elevens were allowed to wander around school while the lower years had to go outside. Hayley had gone into the toilets to wipe away her mascara stains, and so Liam was waiting for her. Niall was tucking into a sugary donut, and Louis was watching and grimacing over the amount of jam and sugar that was all over Niall.

“Well, I think she’s lovely, Harry and Aiden and the other two are just twats.” Niall spat out, with his mouth full, which made Louis sigh and roll his eyes.

“Harry can be a genuinely nice lad though, but when Hayley gets mentioned it’s like he’s on a warpath.” Louis added, looking up at Liam. Liam shook his head and grunted.

“Nice lad? Ha! He’s such a stuck up fucker…it just annoys me. She’s my best friend, she’s like my sister, and it pisses me off when they just don’t leave her the fuck alone! They’re useless, fucking ignorant dickheads!” Liam went on angrily, not realising he was stood clenching his fists together in anger. Niall and Louis looked up awkwardly, to see only Harry and Aiden, followed by a guy who must have been new. Harry and Aiden looked over Liam with a daggered stare, before they stood in front of them. Harry looked down at Niall’s sugar covered face and hands.

“Eat much?” Harry asked sarcastically, before Harry and Aiden walked around Louis and Niall and up the stairs. Niall rolled his eyes, before realising the new guy wasn’t following them anymore, but stood at the vendors choosing a drink.

“Zayn, what you doing?” Aiden yelled. The new guy, obviously named Zayn didn’t look up.

“Getting a drink, I’ll be up in a sec.” Zayn answered, before picking a drink. Harry and Aiden walked up the stairs without a second glance back. Zayn watched them go up the stairs before putting in one of his earphones and walking the opposite way. Hayley emerged from the toilets cautiously, having seen the whole thing.

“Urm, Zayn?” Louis suddenly shouted. Zayn turned around and looked at them all.

“Harry and Aiden went that way.” Louis instructed, trying to be helpful.

“From what I’ve just heard, they’re the last people I want to hang out with.” Zayn simply replied, before walking away and scrolling around on his iPod. Liam watched him go, slightly intrigued. This Zayn guy seemed really mysterious, and it was weird. Hayley rejoined Liam and Liam smiled at her.

“Eat much? Yeah, your mum.” Niall’s Irish voice echoed through the hall, as he scoffed and licked his sugarcoated fingers. Louis and Hayley started to laugh, and Liam relaxed now that Hayley seemed more settled then she was this morning. He’d first met his best friend in year seven. Unsurprisingly, it would be Harry causing Hayley grief that sparked off the friendship. Liam had walked into the school quad area to have lunch, when he saw Harry spill dark brown chocolate milkshake all down her back. Liam’s fists clenched even now when he remembered the way Harry used to treat her, and still did. Liam had almost immediately threatened that if Harry ever looked at her again there would be trouble, and there really was, because Liam and Harry had been in more fist fights than anyone else in the school had. Liam soon realised he was daydreaming, and brought himself back to the present. He found Hayley looking up at him, with Niall and Louis walking in an opposite direction, Louis would be telling Niall how sticky he was.

“Hello! Earth to Liam Payne! You in there, buddy?” Hayley smiled, waving her hand in Liam’s face. Liam laughed and elbowed her. The school bell suddenly rang.

“What do you want?” He teased, as they both slowly walking towards their next lesson.

“I was asking if you’re going to the gym, or any of your sports clubs tonight.” She smiled. Liam nodded.

“Yeah, only be about half an hour in the gym, fancy waiting around for me?” He laughed. They both lived on the same road, and near enough did anything together. There wasn’t any feelings or love or anything, they were just both best friends, and near enough siblings.

“Sure, I’ll probably go to my sanctuary, art club.” Hayley chuckled, before they both nearly got pushed over by year nines.

“Cool, I’ll come up and find you once I’m finished then.” They both agreed, before going off to history.

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