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Zayn and Hayley watched Harry as he walked down the corridor calm as day. They both stayed quiet as they watched him leave the school, before the corridor became silent again. Hayley looked up at Zayn, her bottom lip trembling.

“Like…what…” Zayn mumbled any words that came to his head. She quickly reached out for him before she wrapped her arms around his waist. Zayn bit on his lip as he held her in his arms. He rested his chin on the top of her head and tried to calm her down. He didn’t have a clue what he had just witnessed. One minute they had been talking, and the next, Harry had pushed Hayley down the stairs and was yelling about her being his girl and that Zayn couldn’t have a look in. This place was fucking mental!

“What the fuck just happened, Zayn?” She asked, looking up at him. He wiped the tears away from her cheeks and forced a smile.

“I don’t know, but it’s done. Let’s get you home.” Zayn told her, still trying to process what had happened himself. She nodded, even though she stood holding him tightly. Zayn left a tiny kiss on the top of her forehead, before he took her hand and linked her fingers between his, and they both gathered up the papers that had fallen from her folder, before he carried it for her. She held onto his hand tightly and stayed quiet as they both walked out of the school and headed to their homes. The silence was broken, and Hayley scoffed and shook her head.

“What did he mean by ‘my girl’? I’ve never been his girl…” She asked, looking straight ahead instead of at Zayn. Zayn thought he was clueless, before the most bizarre thought shot across his mind like a shooting star.

“Hayley…he must you know, like you.” Zayn replied, before it all made sense. The way that he constantly teased and made fun of her, the way that Harry had tried to warn Zayn off her yesterday. It was for her attention. Harry must’ve liked Hayley, since he constantly battled for her attention. Hayley stopped walking and looked up at Zayn liked he was crazy.

“Like me? I know you’ve only been at school for three days, but I’m sure even you can realise that he…” Hayley’s voice trailed off, and Zayn watched her expression, as she slowly came to the same conclusion Zayn had come too. She looked incredibly confused and her eyebrows scrunched together as she looked up at Zayn, shaking her head.

“But he can’t like me…can he?” She barely whispered, before looking into the distance again. They both slowly started walking again. Zayn stayed quiet, thinking that it might be the best thing to do. Hayley then became quiet as well, before she reached out for Zayn’s hand. Zayn squeezed it, showing her that he was here for her.

“I just don’t understand Zayn…he treats me like shit on the bottom of his shoe…how could he like me? How could anyone like me?” She asked, looking up at him, with the same expression. Zayn looked down at her longingly.

“Because your beautiful, Hayley.” Zayn let out, before he bit on his lip in embarrassment. How did he just say that? As if she was confused enough.

“I am?” Hayley asked, squeezing his hand to make him look at her. He nodded and smiled.

“You really are…” Zayn replied honestly. Hayley smiled genuinely once more as she looked up at him.

“I bet you say that to all of the girls.” She giggled, before resting her head against his shoulder as they walked. Zayn chuckled.

“Yeah, my Nan loves it.” He teased, wrapping his arm over her shoulders. She giggled and wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked along the pavement on the summer’s day.

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