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“Niall, what have you got in here?” Amaia sighed, as she, Louis and Niall walked along the road. Niall looked over at her as he held the two big duvets in his arms. It was still sunny and clear afternoon as they all walked towards Louis’ house since they’d already stopped in at Amaia and Niall’s places.

“You want to eat, don’t you babe?” Niall laughed. Louis rolled his eyes as he walked along with them both.

“What is it, cuisine a la Niall?” Louis asked with a laugh. Amaia burst out laughing.

“Only le best for le best!” Niall then replied in a French accent. Louis rolled his eyes.

“Stick to Spanish, yeah?” He laughed, before they stopped outside of his house. Louis walked down the small path that lead to his front door. 

“Get a move on, Louis!” Niall yelled, as he and Amaia stood outside of his front door, armed with bags. Amaia dropped the huge handbag that was full of snacks and clothes, and then dropped the backpack that she was holding for Niall, while Niall was lugging both of their duvets across town. Louis rolled his eyes and opened the front door, before looking around.

“Mum? Girls?” He called, before he saw the post-it note on the wall. ‘Just nipped into town, have fun with your friends, call me if you need anything, Boobear !x’

“Hey guys, you can come in if you want! No ones home!” Louis yelled out of the front door. His two friends sighed and started collecting up the bags that they had dropped before making their way inside. Louis laughed and then raced up to his bedroom. He grabbed all of the bags that he had prepared earlier, as well as the small tent that he’d borrowed off a neighbour. He quickly changed his clothes, just like the others had. He pulled on a pair of chinos, as well as a striped T-shirt with a maroon coloured hoodie. He looked into the mirror quickly and fixed his messy hair, before he threw the bags over his shoulders and put his wallet and phone into his pocket.

“Hey Boobear! Are you ready yet?” Amaia shouted from downstairs. Louis sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew he should have scrunched up that post-it note.

“Hold on!” Louis yelled with a laugh, before he glanced at the photo that was by his bedroom door. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked over the photo of himself and Harry where they’d been in mid laughter. Louis couldn’t remember the joke, he just remembered laughing and then seeing the camera flash. Louis pulled the photo from the wall and looked at it closely, a find smile still spread across his face happily. Harry looked adorable with his dimples. Louis laughed and stuck it back onto the wall with the strips of tape. Louis could hear Amaia and Niall laughing as he walked back down the stairs with all of his bags.

“Trying to annoy the neighbours?” Louis asked as he saw Niall and Amaia in the living room sat on the leather sofas. Amaia continued to laugh hysterically as Niall looked up at Louis and shook his head, as his cheeks blushed. Louis looked at them both in confusion.

“What happened? Did Niall fart again?” Louis asked with a laugh, causing Amaia to continue laughing.

“Look…look at the food…” She said inbetween laughs. Louis felt puzzled before he picked up Niall’s backpack, to find a bunch of microwave meals in there. Louis let out a laugh.

“So you were planning on feeding us microwave meals, in the middle of a field? Because there’s a microwave in the middle of a field right?” Louis teased his best friend. Niall sighed and then huddled up into a ball to hide his face.

“Dog pile!” Louis yelled, before he jumped onto Niall and the two boys tumbled onto the floor. Amaia laughed before she jumped on as well. Louis tumbled off laughing before he turned around to see his two friends. Somehow Amaia had landed on top of Niall, and now their lips had come into contact. Louis felt his heart break a little as he quickly cleared his throat and scrambled up to his feet.

“Oh…” Amaia let out. Niall looked over her face for a moment before he leaned in again and kissed her again softly. Louis bit on his lip as his thoughts immediately went to Harry again. His feelings about Harry had only ever been a friendly crush; they’d never gotten this strong before.

“Yo…Louis?” suddenly an Irish voice brought him from his rambling mind, and Louis looked up to see Niall and Amaia sat in front of him looking at him in concern.

“Huh?” Louis asked, looking at them.

“You’ve gone pale…are you okay?” Amaia asked, looking up at him.

“You two are going to make me throw up, now let’s go already!” Louis forced a smile and a laugh and his two friends laughed with him, before they all picked up their bags and left Louis’ house. Amaia’s phone started to buzz in her pocket, before she eagerly told Hayley that they were all coming and heading over to hers. They all walked down the road with their bags over their shoulders, busily chatting away. Louis pulled out his phone and fought with his head and heart on whether to text Harry or not.

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