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It was finally Friday lunchtime, and in three hours time, Zayn would have gotten through the first week of Walton High. Whether it was successful or unsuccessful was another complete matter. But, as he and the rest of his new friends all sat in a circle in the sunshine, he could tell it was worth all of the lows. Niall was sat with Amaia inbetween his legs, the both of them wearing the same type of sunglasses as they shared a huge packet of crisps. Liam was sat in his normal white school shirt, going on about the recent Manchester United scores, which thoroughly interested Zayn, even though Niall, the Chelsea and Derby fan of the group couldn’t care less.

“That second score, proper classic!” Liam said again.

“Absolutely priceless, I mean, the angle of that goal was just,” Zayn replied with a wide smile, before he and Liam high fived each other in triumph. Hayley rolled her eyes and let out another sigh.

“Okay guys! We get it; Manchester scored a goal. Woo!” She sighed, turning over the page in the book she had been reading.

“Hayley, you love Manchester United.” Liam replied, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Amaia let out a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Niall asked with a smile as he looked down at Amaia.

“She’s laughing because it’s a girl thing. I do love Manchester United, because if I said I didn’t, Liam wouldn’t have let me in his house.” Hayley replied, not looking up from the book. It looked a small tatty old thing, and it was one of those romance stories that Zayn’s Mum sometimes read.

“Don’t be stupid, you’re always welcome around mine.” Liam replied with a laugh, looking down at his best friend. Hayley let out a laugh.

“I changed the channel on your TV and you locked me out of your bedroom.” Hayley replied, now looking up from her book.

“They make you think they’re proper best friends, but who knew that they just argued all the time.” Niall laughed.

“That was a championship match, you deserved that one.” Liam quickly added, before he pinched her arm. She frowned up at him, before she went back to her book. Zayn looked up to see that Louis was walking towards them, hands in his pockets.

“Hey Louis!” Zayn called with a smile. The rest of the group looked up and smiled, and started calling out greetings to him. Louis shrugged as he joined the group, he threw his bag down and sat down with his legs crossed.

“You alright, man?” Niall asked as the group looked at him.

“Doesn’t matter.” Louis replied quietly, as he started to pick around with the grass, avoiding eye contact.  This must have been the newest mystery of the group. It appeared that the normally fun loving Louis wasn’t his normal self. Normally, he’d be in the centre of attention, cracking them up with crazy jokes, but he was the complete opposite. Was he normally like this? Did he have mood swings every now and then, and then go back to his normal self? Zayn barely knew him, so he found it hard to work him out.

“Want some food, Louis?” Niall asked, even though his mouth was full. Louis shook his head.

“We were just talking about the football scores, great score from United last night, don’t you think?” Liam then tried, knowing Louis was a fan of Manchester United too.

“Enough of the bloody goal already!” Niall groaned, rolling his eyes. Zayn let out a laugh.

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. There’s two girls in the group now, you can’t talk about football all the time.” Amaia laughed. Niall smiled down at her.

“Sorry, babe.” He laughed. Zayn smiled at the two lovebirds, before naturally looking over at Hayley. She was still lying on her stomach, her brown hair tied in a high ponytail that came down her shoulder, but her attention was on something else. Louis. Louis however was ignoring everyone. Hayley folded over the corner of her page and closed the book, before she jumped to her feet. She brushed herself down, before she tapped Louis on the shoulder. He looked up at her with sad eyes and she smiled, and put her hands out. She pulled him to his feet before the two of them walked off to a free spot on the field.

“I didn’t know that they were close…” Zayn let out, before he looked at Liam.

“They aren’t too close, but Hayley’s one of those people, she can see right through others, she just knows when people need help.” Liam explained, watching them walk off before paying his attention back to Zayn. Amaia nodded in agreement.

“She’s so caring.” She put in.

“But I think that’s because she knows what it’s like to need help, and so she’s relatable.” Liam replied again, before he picked up the book she was reading and read the blurb.

“So she’s like a young, beautiful Mother Teresa or something?” Zayn laughed, before the three heads whipped around to look at him.

“Beautiful? Zayn’s got it bad!” Niall laughed, causing Amaia to laugh too.

“He has, stare at anything else apart from her much?” Liam laughed, looking at him. Zayn felt his cheeks flush red.

“He’s blushing, leave the poor boy alone…I’m bridesmaid right?” Amaia asked, with a cheeky smile. Zayn rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“You guys are terrible.” He replied with an embarrassed laugh.

“Are you going to tell her you like her?” Niall asked with a laugh.

“You’re one to talk!” Liam laughed, which made Amaia laugh as well.

“What if I talk to her at the campout? I wanted to wait a while since all of this Harry stuff has got her really confused, do you think it would be too soon or…?” Zayn asked, before Liam quickly shushed him. Hayley and Louis were coming back over. Hayley was holding his hand and smiling, and something in the pit of Zayn’s stomach clenched. He bit on his lip and stayed quiet as he watched them come back over.

“Why did you steal my book, Liam? Just ‘cause you want to read it.” Hayley laughed, as they both sat down.

“Why would I want to read that mush?” Liam laughed, hitting her gently on the head with it before passing it back. She rolled her eyes and put the book in front of her.

“It’s a very nice book.” She replied, as Louis curled up, with his head in her lap. She started to comb her hand through his hair as he closed his eyes. The other’s just continued their conversation as normal, but Zayn couldn’t help but look at the way she was with Louis. Did she really like him as much as he thought?  

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