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Zayn scooped his hands through his black fringe, so it was spiking upright. He’d been sat making sure it was perfect for the last ten minutes. Today was his first day of Walton High, since he’d moved into Bradford. His two younger sisters were joining a local primary school, and then his older sister was starting a college. He felt fairly embarrassed in his school uniform, which was made up of a dark green jumper that itched like crazy. He finally finished his hair before he looked in the mirror.

“Just be confident, they’ll like you.” He whispered to himself, even though a voice at the back of his head told him that that wasn’t going to be the case.

“Zayn Javaad Malik! Stop messing around with your hair or you’re going to be late!” His mother’s voice called from downstairs. He sighed and rolled his eyes, before getting up and throwing his blazer and new school bag around his shoulders. He walked out of his small bedroom, before heading downstairs to join the rest of his family. He walked into the new family kitchen, his two younger sisters bickering, and his older sister yawning. His Mother let out a sigh, before wafting her eyes, which grew teary.

“Mum, why are you crying?” Zayn asked, all but too used to being around his over emotional Mother.

“It’s just all of your first day’s, you all look so smart and grown up.” His Mum smiled, giving him a hug before shoving toast into his mouth.

“We’ve been to school before, Mum.” Doniya, Zayn’s older sister sighed.

“I know, get on with your breakfast. Zayn, you’re already late, get a move on.” His Mum then rushed him. His parents had divorced years ago, and since then he’d always been brought up in a feminine environment.

“Okay, okay, I’m going. Bye Mum!” Zayn replied, checking his hair once more in the mirror before going to the front door.

“Bye Zayn, love!” His Mother called, before he left the house. He put his hands into his pockets and tried to remember the way to Walton High. He walked through the streets, and soon saw a load of other people in the same uniform head the same way. Zayn listened to Chris Brown on his iPod, trying to mentally prepare himself for the day ahead. He soon found himself near the school gates, when he saw a small gang of people looking his age stood by the front gate. He tried to avoid eye contact, his shyness creeping in. 

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