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Liam walked down the school corridor with his bag over his shoulder. It was lunch, and everyone was outside in the late September sunshine. He’d had to go and see a teacher about some homework, and now he was walking back outside to find Hayley, who would most likely be with either Amaia or Zayn. He was glad that Hayley had found some new friends, especially friends like Louis and Niall. And Zayn seemed like a nice lad, so Liam was hoping that Hayley would concentrate more on him than concentrate on Harry Styles. Liam still felt incredibly pissed off from what Hayley had told him last night. From what she had told him, he had had a go at her and Zayn, before confusing her totally by throwing in hints of having feelings for her. What prick did that, Liam thought.

“I can’t believe you did that, Harry! What the fuck were you playing at?” Liam heard the hissed voice of his friend Louis from behind a wall. Liam quickly stopped and stayed hidden, wanting to listen to what the conversation was about.

“Louis I couldn’t help it! I just snapped, I don’t know what happened!” Harry’s hushed voice then added. Liam bit on his lip, and felt his fists clench at his sides.

“You just snapped? Harry you pushed Hayley over and she fell from a step! Do you know how badly that could’ve hurt her?” Louis went on, and he could hear the anger in his voice, but Liam was frozen. Did he just hear that correctly? Harry had physically touched Hayley. He’d pushed her down the stairs…

“It was only one step, she must’ve tripped over her own clumsy fucking feet!” Harry quickly defended himself. Louis let out a ragged sigh. Liam couldn’t hold back anymore. He charged around the corner and was then face to face with Louis and Harry.

“Are you out of your fucking mind, Styles?!” Liam yelled, swinging his bag off his shoulders. Louis and Harry jumped, and Louis quickly stood in front of Liam.

“Liam, mate, chill.” Louis quickly urged. Harry’s face fell into a frown and he dropped his bag onto the floor.

“What are you doing, creeping around like a fucking fly?” Harry snarled, rolling up the sleeves of his green jumper.

“This isn’t about me, what the fuck were you playing at pushing Hayley down the fucking stairs!” Liam yelled, as the two boys increasing stepped towards each other, Louis stood in the middle still.

“What’s she been telling you? That I pushed her from the top of the fucking stairs or something? Trust her to overreact everything.” Harry replied with a snarl.

“She didn’t tell me anything! This is the first I’ve heard of it, now did you fucking touch her or not?!” Liam demanded. The tension in the air grew in the quiet corridor. There were never any teachers around when you needed them here.

“Why the fuck would I look at her, let alone touch her?” Harry quickly snapped.

“For fuck’s sake Harry!” Louis suddenly let out, before he switched his attention from Liam to Harry. Harry looked taken back slightly.

“Harry, you pushed her off the bottom step, and then started on Zayn!” Louis quickly cleared up.

“I knew you’d be low enough to sink so low, I tried to tell myself that you wouldn’t be like that, but you really have sunk down to a new fucking level now, I’m going to punch that smug fucking face-” Liam snapped back angrily.

“Oh yeah? Just try it, Payne.” Harry quickly snapped, and then the two boys stood even closer in front of each other. Louis then took a step back.

“I can’t defend you anymore, Harry. I’m sorry, but I just can’t.” Louis sighed. Harry looked up at Louis in confusion.

“But, Louis, you’re my best friend.” Harry let out a laugh. Louis nodded.

“Yeah, and that’s why I’m standing back. You went too far, and you’re going to get what’s coming to you.” Louis simply shrugged. Liam let out a laugh.

“Oh, he really is.” Liam laughed, before he swung his fist into Harry’s face. It flew right into his cheek, causing Harry to curse and knock himself back a couple of steps.

“FUCK!” Harry yelled, holding onto his cheek, hissing and wincing.

“If you ever go near her again, even if you just look at Hayley, I’m going to fucking kill you, she’s my best friend and I will not let you treat her like shit.” Liam warned, pointing his finger to Harry. Harry panted and stayed quiet as he looked at Liam with anger on his face.

“That’s why he does it. He’s just jealous.” Louis then sighed, before he picked up his own bag and flew it over his shoulder. Harry shot a daggered look Louis’ way.

“Shut the fuck up, Louis!” Harry quickly snapped, finally taking his hand away from his soon to be bruised cheek. Liam suddenly felt confused. Something was going on under his nose.

“What do you mean? ‘Jealous’?” Liam asked, looking from Harry to Louis. Harry continued to look at Louis with a deadly glare.

“I wish it was my place to say, but only Harry can. Anything to say, Harry?” Louis asked, looking at Harry unimpressed.

“No.” Harry quickly snapped again. Liam could feel the tension, before everything Hayley said last night came back into his mind.

“Holy fuck…you…” Liam started, trying to gather the words he just couldn’t process into his mind. Liam shook his head, and found himself laughing.

“No you don’t…you don’t? Do you?” Liam continued to spit out.

“Don’t what, Liam? Spit it out.” Louis replied, raising an eyebrow.

“You like her?” Liam finally spat out. It took him a hell of a lot of work to push the words from his mouth, and now they were released, he couldn’t believe he had said them. Harry looked at Louis angrily. Louis just shrugged and looked back at him. Harry slowly looked at Liam. He bit on his lip and his brown curls were framed around his face. For the first time in Liam’s life, he looked into Harry’s forest green eyes and saw the one thing that he had never thought he’d ever see. Small tears. Harry looked at Liam and nodded, before he grabbed his bag and stormed away.

“So, there you go.” Louis sighed, picking up his own bag, before following after Harry. Liam stood in silence. He stretched out the fingers on his wrist that were slightly painful before he picked up his school bag and threw it over his shoulders.

“Fucking hell…” Liam sighed, before the school bell rang, and it was time for afternoon registration.          

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