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Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn joined the table where Hayley and Amaia were outside. It was a gorgeous summer day, the sky was blue and the sun was bright and warm. Liam looked over Hayley before frowning.

“Hayley, you alright?” He asked. All heads turned to Hayley, who was sat wearing her blazer back to front, looking at the table and twiddling her fork in her pasta. Amaia scoffed and rolled her eyes. She looked across the table at her best friend.

“Hayley, show them, they’re your friends.” Amaia told her. Hayley sighed and finally looked up at them all. Liam frowned; he didn’t like the way this was going. He could tell by the look on her face that something had gone down.

“No.” Hayley whined, looking down at her pasta. 

“What’s gone on?” Louis asked, speaking up for the four boys. Amaia looked at him.

“Look.” Was all she said, before she kicked Hayley under the table. Hayley sighed again, before pulling the blazer off, and showing her white school shirt, with ‘WHORE’ written across the chest in black felt tip pen, or permanent marker. The boys all looked outraged.

“Who did that?!” Liam was quick to drop is salad and stand up from the bench, rolling up his shirt sleeves.

“Who’d you think Liam!” Hayley replied, before pulling the blazer back on over her.

“It was Nicole and Kayleigh, but they haven’t got a brain cell between them, so Harry must have put them up to it.” Amaia explained, still overly annoyed about the whole situation.

“I don’t have anything to cover it, I can’t wear my blazer back to front for the rest of the day! And how do I show this to my Mum without her going crazy?!” Hayley finally cracked, as she started to ramble about her shirt. Zayn pulled off his green jumper, showing off what looked like a nice row of pecks underneath a crisp, white shirt.

“Hayley, stick that on babe.” He smiled, passing it to her across the table. Hayley looked up at him as if he was an angel.

“Really? Thank you so much!” she thanked him, and Liam saw how watery her eyes looked. She quickly took off the blazer and pulled on Zayn’s jumper with a grateful smile.

“That’s it, I’m going to kill Harry fucking Styles!” Liam exclaimed, before he went charging away from the table, his fists clenched and his jaw tight. He ignored the shouts from the girls telling him to not bother, until he heard the sound of footsteps.

“Liam, we’ve got a better idea!” Niall suddenly said from behind him. Liam turned around to see Louis, Niall and Zayn all with black sharpie pens in their hands. Liam looked at them curiously.

“Let’s see how Styles likes it when people write shit about him. Let’s go and spike his locker.” Niall explained, with a cheeky smile. The rest of the boys smiled and nodded in agreement. Liam took a spare pen that Zayn was holding before nodding, and the boys all ran down the school corridor to where Harry’s locker was. They all checked to see if the coast was clear, before Louis pulled a paper clip from his pocket, and started to try and prize the locker open with it. The boys tapped their feet anxiously as they waited to hear the lock click open.

“C’mon Louis! Anyone could catch us!” Niall hissed, looking around to see if anyone was around.

“I’m trying! I haven’t done this in a couple of months…” Louis grunted, before the four boys all heard the successful click of the opening lock. Liam yanked the locker open, and the four boys looked at each other in triumph, before drawing on every possible surface every word they could think of. Soon, Harry’s books, P.E kit and the inside of his locker was full of insults, and Niall was still laughing at the stick drawing Louis had drawn of him, which consisted of a sick man with curly hair, man boobs, and then what Liam could only presume was a mangina. The boys all looked at their work with a smile.

“That should teach that dick to mess with Hayley.” Louis replied, looking around them all.

“And about time too.” Niall agreed, before Liam closed the locker, and they went through the process of trying to lock it up again so it didn’t seem suspicious.

“Right, now let’s get out of here. Nice work lads.” Liam told them all, once Louis has clicked the lock back into place, and the locker seemed like it hadn’t been touched.

“It was Zayn’s idea, I bet he’s a right brain box.” Niall laughed, elbowing Zayn. Zayn smiled shyly.

“Nice one mate, and thanks for giving Hayley your jumper, I would’ve given her mine, but I don’t have one.” Liam thanked him. He seemed like a good guy, and was glad Hayley liked him. Zayn smiled and shrugged as the four boys started to walk back down the corridor to go back outside to the girls.

“Anything to avoid wearing that green beast.” Zayn laughed.

“Are you coming to the campout with us on Saturday night Zayn? It’ll be awesome!” Niall suggested, before Louis agreed.

“Hayley invited me, so yeah I’m going. If you all want me there.” Zayn replied with a smile.

“Of course dude! So you and Hayley have hit it off…” Louis laughed, winking to him. Zayn thought about Hayley and couldn’t help but smile. He looked at the floor and shoved his hands in his trouser pockets.

“She’s a sweet girl.” Zayn replied, before realising Liam was stood in front of him, and suddenly feeling embarrassed.

“He’s blushing! I think he likes her!” Niall laughed. Liam and Louis laughed.

“Do you like her man?” Liam laughed; wanting to know that Hayley wasn’t going to get her heart broken. Zayn suddenly looked confused.

“But I thought…you and her?” Zayn replied, sounding as confused as he looked. Niall and Louis laughed.

“No! They aren’t together!” Niall laughed. Liam shook his head with a smile.

“We may as well be siblings, we’re just best friends, don’t worry about that.” Liam set the poor boy straight, with a laugh. Zayn suddenly looked relieved.

“Well in that case, I think she’s a sweetheart.” Zayn sighed with a beaming smile. 

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