Chapter 29

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Ross and I were on our way to the beach. I don’t know why he wanted to go but I didn’t mind. I loved the beach. When we reached the smooth sand of the beach Ross and I started talking about baby names. I suddenly had a thought “Ross?” “Yes babe?” “If we have a boy, can we call him Shor?” Ross looked surprised “Shor? As in my middle name?” I nodded “Yeah, we don’t have to if you don’t like it-“ “No! I love it! Shor Lynch. It’s perfect.” He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck “you’re perfect” he whispered. His lips had just met mine when it started to rain. We pulled apart. Ross did a bow and held out his hand to me “would you care to dance?” I laughed and curtsied. “I Shor would!” He laughed “I’m supposed to be the cheesy one!” I laughed at him and took his hand and we danced.

He held me close in his arms and we twirled and had a great time for what seems liked all night but was actually a couple of hours. I tripped over my own feet causing Ross to fall with me on top of him. I didn’t press too hard with my body because I would squish the baby. I was 3 months pregnant now. We laughed. I rested my head on his chest enjoying being with him. Even though many people don’t like rain, I find it rather soothing. It’s like having a cold shower! I looked up at a very wet Ross. He smiled and said “I love you” I grinned back “I love you too.” We stayed there for a while, enjoying each other’s company and Ross playing with my wet hair. Eventually we decided it was time to go home. I got up off Ross and helped him up. We started to walk back to his house hand in hand.

When I got back to the Lynches I was feeling cold. “Ross? Can I have a blanket please?” Ross nodded bringing me a blanket. “Are you cold?” I nodded. He sat down next to me on his bed and snuggled under the blanket with me. “Feeling warmer?” he asked. I nodded into his chest. His heart beat relaxing me. I drifted off into a deep sleep. I woke up panting in a hot sweat. I was absolutely boiling and I didn’t even have any covers on. My sudden movement had woken Ross. “Are you ok?” he asked sounding concerned. “I’m really hot” I replyed. “You are pretty sweaty, I’ll go and get a thermometer to check your temperature, meanwhile, go and take a cold shower” I nodded, walking into his bathroom and getting into the shower. However cold I put the water it felt like a sauna in the shower.

After a couple of minutes I got out because I couldn’t handle the heat. When I went back into Ross’ room he was sitting on his bed holding the thermometer. When we saw me he gave me a smile and said “how you feeling?” I shrugged “I’m still boiling” he hugged me and as soon as he felt my skin he jumped back. “What’s wrong?” I asked him looking at his surprised expression. “You said you were boiling but your skin feels like the arctic” I laughed. He looked serious “put this in your mouth.” He said giving me the thermometer. I sighed but put it in my mouth anyway. After a moment I took it out and passed it to Ross. When he looked at it his eyes nearly popped out of his head. “OH MY GOD!” I raised an eyebrow at his reaction “urm... is everything ok?” He looked at my serious once again “your temperature is 136 degrees.” My jaw nearly hit the floor. I sudden wave of dizziness came over me. I swayed slightly into Ross. “Are you ok?” He asked catching me. “I feel dizzy.” I murmured. That’s the last thing I remember before drifting off into a deep sleep.

I woke up on Ross’ bed surrounded by the Lynches. “Why are you so close?” I whined shutting my eyes again. Ross replyed “we were worried. You’ve been asleep for 26 hours.” My eyes snapped open. “26 hours???” The Lynches nodded their heads. “Plus you’ve been really sweaty, you’ve definitely got a fever.” Added Ratliff. I nodded slowly taking everything in. Rocky asked “do you know how you could have gotten so ill?” I thought for a moment. All I’d done was go to the beach with Ross and started dancing. In the rain. For a couple of hours. “Well...” Everyone looked at me curiously “well...?” said Riker, trying to make me finish my sentence. “I was out with Ross, dancing in the rain for 2 hours...” Everyone’s attention snapped to Ross. “You WHAT?” shrieked Rydel at him. “Do you know what could happen to the baby because of this????” Ross’ face turned pale. My heart sunk. The baby. What would happen to the baby because of me? What if the baby died? What if I died...? The baby would grow up with one parent. The sudden thoughts that appeared in my head made me feel sick. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my stomach I screamed clutching my belly. Everyone’s attention suddenly came to me. I could hear lots of different voice asking me what was wrong and if I was ok. I carried on screaming and for a second time, I blacked out.


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, I thought it would be best if I ended it there. I promise the next chapter will be twice as long. Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it...

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