Chapter 7

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Ross looked straight in to my eyes and said “I know.” We kissed again until Ross’ phone buzzed meaning he had a text. He pulled away and read the text. I’ll be right back he says. “Where are you going?” “Eeerm...just going to put my guitar back...” he said before leaving. That was odd. He left his guitar here. Something must be up. I thought about it for 5 minutes and decided to follow him. As soon as I stepped onto the beach out from behind the cave, I saw Ross pressed up against a wall passionately kissing another girl. I gasped loudly. The girl stopped kissing Ross and looked at me. I had tears in my eyes. “What?” the girl scoffed “Haven’t ever seen 2 people in love kissing before?” That made the tears in my eyes start falling down my cheeks. I took one last look at Ross. He was looking down at his feet.

I ran away from them, through my special place and onto the main part of the beach until I was so tired I fell to the ground and started sobbing loudly. How had I been so stupid? I thought he loved me. I cried in to my hands until a hand touched my shoulder. “Cassidy?!?!" Omg it was Riker! Rocky, Ryland and Rydel were stood not too far behind him. “Whats wrong?” he said looking worried. “Nothing” I said and started sobbing again. They all came and sat around me and comforted me until I finally stopped crying. “Why were you crying?” Rydel asked looking upset. The only words that came out of my mouth was “Ross.” The Lynches looked at each other. “Tell us what happened, please” Rocky said actually looking concerned. I sighed. I told them everything and they gasped. “That’s aweful!” said Ryland. “I’m going to have a word with my brother” said Riker looking angry. He started to get up and I grabbed on to his arm and said “Nooo!” I looked right into Rikers eyes, still holding onto his arm and he softened. “Ok” he said and I smiled. “Thanks” I whispered letting go of his arm and looking into the waves.

Just then Ross came towards us and said “Hey bros, hey sis hows everything?” he sounded cheerful. “Not so great” said Riker. He moved to reveal me. Ross instantly looked guilty. “Oh...Urm...I...” he started. Rydel couldn’t hold it in any longer. “YOU SCUMBAG!” she shrieked at Ross. He looked startled. “What???” he said acting as if nothing had happened. “I can’t believe you used Cassidy like that! I thought you liked her! You should be ashamed.” Rydel said looking extremely disappointed in him. “For once, I agree with Rydel.” Said Rocky also looking disappointed in his younger brother. “IM SORRY!” Ross shouted before turning away. Riker wasn’t going to have that, he got up and jumped on Ross pinning him to the floor so he wouldn’t get away. “Get off me!” Ross shouted. “Not until you apologize to Cassidy and tell her why you acted like a scumbag!” Riker yelled at him. “FINE! Now get off me your crushing me!” Ross said. Riker got off him but him and Rocky held his arms so he couldn’t go. They positioned him in front of me.

“Start explaining!” said Ryland. Ross looked deep into my eyes. But I broke his gaze and looked at my hands instead. “Go on then Ross!” Rocky said nudging him. Ross sighed and started talking. “That girl I was kissing...was my girlfriend, her name was Sara.” I gasped. “Then why did you say you loved me?” I whispered avoiding his gaze. “To make Sara jealous.” Ross said simply. “Oh...” I mumbled. “But...” Ross started. “I broke up with her...” This made me look at him confused. “Why?” “Because I thought of the times we had together and realised how sad I made you feel.” Ross continued “I was just going to break up with Sara but she started kissing me... Whenever a girl kisses me I kind of get carried away...” Everyone was now looking at Ross. “When you ran and left, that’s when I broke up Sara. She said something really nasty about you so I told her we were over and...Here I am.” Everyone was speechless. “Oh” were the only words that came out of my mouth. “So Cassidy...” Ross said. “Yeah?” I answered wanted to know what he was going to say. “I’m really sorry and I’ve totally learned my lesson, so...will you give me another chance? Ross asked looking directly at me. Everyone was now looking at me. “Urm...”

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