Chapter 26

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“I’m sorry” He started. Ross and I gasped waiting for what he was going to say. “Because of the fall you had, the baby was pushed down slightly. Your baby will be fine, but when it comes out it will need medical attention for at least 1 month.” I was so happy nothing too serious had happened to my baby. “Thank you!” I cried the doctor smiled and left while I hugged Ross. He made sure he wasn’t pressing on my belly. I was allowed to leave the hospital a couple of hours later.

Ross took me home and we told everyone the good news. Everyone celebrated by having a family dinner of roast beef. When we’d finished eating we decided to watch a movie. Ross’ brothers called their girlfriends to come and watch the movie with us. When the girls had arrived I said hi to them all and we went and sat next to our boyfriends. When I sat down Ross wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder. The movie we were watching was The Grudge 3. (It’s an actual movie, really scary!) I really hated horror movies. 15 minutes into the movie I was already burying my head into Ross’ chest. I heard him chuckle. The sound of his heartbeat relaxed me. I heard a loud knock on the door which scared me to death causing me to jump and hit Ross in the face with my head. “Omg, Ross, I’m so sorry!” he laughed “Its fine. Come with me to open the door?” I nodded and he took my hand in his. I opened the door and saw my dad standing their looking extremely angry.

“Dad? What are you doing here?” I was surprised at him coming here. He had told me he never wanted to see me again. “You’re coming home with me Cassidy” I took a step back hiding behind Ross a little. “This is my home” He stiffened “No, get away from this pathetic boy and come home NOW” with him shouting it had attracted all the Lynches and their girlfriends to see what was happening. He took a step towards me and grabbed my arm. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” I yelled. He pulled me so fast my legs were going to give way. “ROSS HELP!” Ross was at my side holding my other arm. My dad went to him and kicked him right in his privates. Ross doubled over groaning and my dad pulled me into his car while I was screaming.

My dad locked the doors so I couldn’t get out and put tape on my mouth so I couldn’t scream. I was trying to make as much noise as I could but the tape limited my speech. “Shut up!” He yelled at me. I was silent after that. He took me home and took me down to the basement. The basement reminded me of the movie I had just been watching at the Lynches house. My dad chained me to a wall and left. I kept looking around hoping The Grudge wouldn’t come out of a wall or something. I know it was just a movie but I get scared easily. I heard a loud bang from upstairs. It sounded like a gunshot.

I fell silent while I strained my eyes trying to figure out what was happening upstairs. I heard footsteps. Definitely more than one person was up there with my dad. I heard voices. They were too quiet so I couldn’t hear who the voices belonged to or what they were saying. Suddenly the basement door flung open and I tried to scream but the tape was still covering my mouth. I looked up to see 4 police officers and the Lynches coming in and looking at me wide eyed. “Cassidy!” cried Ross. The police told everyone to stay back while they came over to me. “What happened?” I tried to talk but the tape stopped me. A police officer with a large moustache ripped the tape off and I screamed in pain. “Sorry” He said quickly. “Tell us what happened.”

I started telling them that I was at the Lynches house then my dad came round and dragged me into his car. He then locked me in the basement and left. They listened carefully and one of them was writing down what I was saying. After I finished I said “What was the gunshot I heard?” They looked at each other confused. “Gunshot? What gunshot?” One of them asked. “Well about 5 minutes before you came in, I heard a gunshot from upstairs...” I trailed off. “We will go and have a look around” I nodded. The police officer with the large moustache handed Riker large clippers to cut the chain I was tied to the wall on. The officers went upstairs and when Riker cut the chain I gave him a hug. “Thanks” I whispered. “I’m so sorry Cassidy, for not helping back at the house...” “It’s fine. It wasn’t your fault my dad is a psycho” He smiled weakly while I hugged everyone else. When it came to Ross tears fell down his cheeks onto my shirt. “Cassidy, I thought I’d lost you” He whimpered into my shoulder. I gently rubbed his back telling him everything was ok.

“Everything is NOT ok!” I heard a voice from behind me. Everyone turned to see me dad standing with a gun in his hand pointed at me. Ross stepped forward and my dad snapped. “Come any closer and I’ll shoot Cassidy” I knew Ross was going to move so I hissed at me “Ross, don’t move!” He nodded and stayed where he was. My dad walked over to me still holding his gun. “You think you’re so smart don’t you Cassidy? Playing with boys getting pregnant at only 16 years old. Your mum would not be proud of you. But she’s not here is she? You killed her!” I gasped loudly and the tears started coming. “I didn’t not kill her! You know I didn’t. What happened to you? You’ve become a psycho! I used to look up to you, now I can barely look at you.” My dad’s eyes narrowed. “You know you killed your mum, my wife, my only love. Now it’s your turn to pay” He pointed the gun at my head. “Bye Cassidy.”   

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