Innocent Desire 2

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Okay so i hope this book lives up to your expectations!!! ARG if it doesnt go good I might delete it coz i dont want to spoil the essense of the first book :D

enjoy and vote guys!!


Elieys P.o.v

“Holly Fuck! I don’t think I can do it!” I shouted looking at how high I was standing. It must be 20 feet high.

“The cliff isn’t that high! JUMP!” Dai shouted.

“Are you sure? I mean it really looks scary.”

“I’m sure you can make it if I can!” She shouted from the ocean that swayed roughly below.

I looked into the dark sky. The sun had disappeared. I looked down and the water seemed to look harsher than before. This was the first time I was cliff diving. I was a hundred percent sure that aunt Anne would kill me if I did this but I really didn’t care.

“WHOAA OKAY I’M JUMPING NOW!” I shouted down and bent my knees to take the jump.

Weirdly I felt ready for the big leap but as soon as I was going to lift off, my knees locked in and I was stuck on top.


“I can do this. I can do this. I can do this” I sighed repeating myself into confidence.

I pulled my hair behind and stared at Dai look at me, waiting for me to jump.

“YOU’RE SUCH A SCARY POO!”  She screamed and that annoyed me.

“OKAY FINE!” I shouted back and suddenly leaped into the air off the rough rock.

For a second there everything was quiet. The wind flew at my face and the salty air scrubbed across my skin. The sounds of the ocean waves got stronger and I felt gravity pull me closer and faster than usual.

It was all calm when suddenly I saw a woman with red hair flashed across my eyes. She held a beautiful baby in her arms. The baby was so happy, almost smiling.

“Hahaha Eliey my love.” The women spoke.

A white flash filled in my mind, blinding me for a minute second and then my eyes shot open.

“SHIT SHIT SHIT!” I shouted and crashed into the water.

The hard slash soothed as I melted into the water.

“ELIEY!” Dai shouted jumping in to hold my hand.

I felt her clutch my wrist and pull me out of the clogging water.

We floated on the surface up and down like dead bodies recused from drowning, we didn’t move.

My eyes flickered with the exhaustion and I suddenly spat out the water that had entered my mouth and stared at Dai blankly.

“I thought you almost drowned out there!” She shouted angrily, still scared about the entire situation.

“Sorry” I breathe silently trying to recollect the memory.


“I think I saw my mother” I looked at her worried.

“Oh baby” She looked at me seriously and pulled me into a hug in the water.

“Let’s get out” I told her pushing her aside.

“Eliey wait!” Dai called out but I ignored her.

I swam to the coast and walked over  the peachy sand.

“Hey Eliey you okay?” James asked me handing me my top and shorts.

“Perfectly fine” I rolled my eyes and snatched my clothing away.

“You sure? You seem pissed.” He smiled wickedly following me as he dragged his legs out of the sand to catch up with me.

“Don’t fuck with my head. I’m fine James” I told him walking up near our parked car and putting my clothes on.

He ran his finger through his thick blonde hair and smiled sexily and then ran up to me.

“Hey Eliey?” He called and I turned to look at him.

“Don’t look so sexy ever again” He grinned and pushed me to the car door and put his hands around my waist.

Tired and exhausted from the swim I stared into his eyes holding my breath in. He grinned sexily and then pulled my lips into his absurdly and kissed me hard.

“Stop making out whenever I’m around” Dai called out rolling her eyes and pushing us to the side so she could sit in the car.

“Hahahaa babe” I laughed and winked wickedly at her and pushed James off me.

“Let’s go partying!” I shouted and James nodded pulling me into his lap before I could settle in my seat.

“Sure, let’s go to Macy’s” I laughed gullibly.

As Dai drove I looked out of the window and watched the lights fade in and out from one club to another. The roads looked beautiful and lit up and yet so quiet and serene.

“Eliey I love you so much!” A handsome man kissed the same child the woman held onto in my head. Rocking the baby back and forth he played with her tiny fingers and kissed her tiny eyes shut. Sleep Eliey Sleep love.” He whispered so lovingly.

“AH” I jerked, when the vision disappeared.

“What happened babe?” James asked.

“Nothing just tired” I smiled and placed my head over his neck.

“These visions have got to stop man” I whispered to myself hoping no one heard me.

“What?” James asked annoyingly again.

“I said we should kiss some more man” I winked biting my lips back and then kissing his soft red lips.

“STOP!” Dai groaned but we ignored her.


next chappy soon plz comment and update me if you'll liked it :D

Innocent Desire 2Where stories live. Discover now