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No one's POV

She ran straight up to the container and took him out, she laid him on the bed, he was breathing. She smiled, she looked at his head, the shot was gone! "GUYS COME QUICK HE'S ALIVE!" She yelled they all came running, apart from Robin who thought Raven had gone insane. "GRASS STAIN, HE'S FLIPPING BREATHING ROBIN COME QUICK!" He came straight away. "But how?" he asked, she didn't speak she was too happy. He was asleep but alive. Cyborg picked him up and took him to the medical room, the others followed. He hooked him up to the heart rate monitor and he had a steady pulse. "Beasty!" she gave him a million kisses, waking him up. "RAVEN!" he jumped up and hugged her tightly, tears of joy pored out her eyes. "It was so dark and I could hear you guys and it really hurt and Trigon was there... BEAST!" He yelled, he got up and started to pace around the room in tears. "Common buddy talk to me..." he waited, "PLEASE CALL ME ANNOYING, TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU HATE TOFU... EAT MEAT I DON'T CARE PLEASE!" He fell to his knees and Raven ran to his side. "Gar you need to calm down, your weak!" she smiled. "He's... gone... Trigon... made a deal... he took his life energy... for me!" he cried on her shoulder. She cried too, "Beast is gone?" asked Star very confused, Robin nodded. 

They calmed down and sat him back down on the hospital bed. They gave him a blanket and some food. "I woke up in this dark place, I couldn't hear Beast or anyone but you guys screaming and crying! I heard three more gun shots and then everything went really quite," he took a bit of the waffle and kept explaining, "Then I heard Beast talking to you guys, he was still alive! Then I heard more crying and Trigon showed up! He said I was in this place called judgment or something, I begged him to bring me back to life and he refused. Then Beast showed up behind me! In his own form a completely different person, for once we were talking face to face!" He started to cry again, "He said to Trigon he'll give him what ever he wants to bring me back, I told him not to but he didn't listen. Your dad said that he would take his life force or something and he disappeared, Beast hugged me and said to look after you and then he disappeared as well, and POOF now I'm here!" Raven hugged him tightly. She cried as she spoke, "Beast was taken out of judgment and so were you, the only difference is, he went the other way... another soul took your place!" Garfield hugged her. The team were in shock, "Raven, do you think you can open a portal?" asked Robin, she nodded and whipped her eyes. "Why?" He grabbed his staff and twirled it round his hand then catch it, "We're getting Beast back!" 

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