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During lunch time, Mas and Mais meant back with the titans. "Hey guys you find out anything?" asked Robin, they shook their heads. "Max, Micheal come on!" call Mimi. They looked up at Robin, "Go on it's fine!" Then they ran to Mimi, Raven sat down at her table, a girl approached her. "Hey are you Garfield's sister?" she asked, Raven nodded, feeling worried. "I'm he was crying during maths, he fell asleep and he was screaming No when he woke up!" Ravens eyes widened, "Do you know where his is?" She asked, the girl nodded and pointed to the hall way. Raven got up and ran to the door, "Thank you!" she yelled as she left. As she ran she bumped into a teacher and fell to the floor. "Oops sorry dear!" she put her hand out to help her up, but when Raven reached out, the teacher moved her hand away and laughed. She walked off leaving Raven on the floor. She saw a small bell hanging out of the teachers bag, it looked formula, but all she cared about was Beast Boy! As she walked around the school, she could sense a strong emotion of pain and sadness. She mind linked with him, 

B where are you? No reply, Gar please I can help you! she waited for a reply.

I'm at my locker!

She ran as fast as she could, but when she got to the locker no one was there. She found a note on his locker though. 


If your reading this, then my theory is correct, I've got you're 'little brother' and if you want him back, you must do exactly what I say...

She felt like she was going to have a heart attack as she read on, but what hurt her most was the last part of the note,

Show the titans, the Bat, heroes or bring anyone with you and he dies!

Tears rolled down her face, she sat down with her head in her knees crying by his locker. She didn't care who saw her crying. "Rachel?" asked a voice from above her, she looked up and saw Alex, rage boiled inside of her. She stood up and pushed him to the other wall, "You piece of sh*t, how dare you think this funny!" she yelled. Luckily no one else was in the hall when she did this. "What are your talking about, I just said your flipping name!"  He pushed her off him. More tears fell and she looked down at the note. "What is that?" he reached out for it, she pulled it back. "Can you tell me?"

It only said don't tell the titans, it said nothing about jocks.

"Someones taken my brother and their going to kill him unless... I join them!"

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