Fathers Day

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A week had gone by since Duela's death, Raven hadn't been the same since. She had started to smile again, but when ever she thinks of the pule soul, something blows up. It didn't help that it was one of her least favourite days, fathers day. Star fire had gone to see her parents, East took Mas and Mais to Spain for the day and Robin had gone to visit bat man. Leaving Raven, Garfield and Cyborg at the tower. "Cy I swear you have a dad!" said B sitting upside down the sofa playing with Ravens hair. "My dad went missing years ago!" he sat down with a packet of walkers, which Beast Boy took from straight away. "At least you two have dads!" he whimpered.

Raven hated all this talk of dads. She closed her book and got up, she sat down at the kitchen. Behind her a small portal opened up, Beast Boy jumped up and ran to her as soon as he saw it. Papeeno stepped through calming him down. "Papeeno!" the smile had returned and she hugged him tightly. "I'm afraid I'm here on business, your father wishes to see you!" Garfield growled at the portal, he never trusted Trigon.  "I'm not going, not after last time!" she grabbed Beast Boys hand. Papeeno sighed, "My lady, he does not wish to just see you, he wants to talk to both of you!" he handed her a scroll, she scanned it quickly. "Gar, we have to go!" he looked at the scroll, it was in some weird language. He took her word for it and they both came through followed by Cyborg for back up. "Man this place always gives me the creeps!" he said as they walked through the thin hall way. As they got to the tall doors at the end, Garfield put Raven behind him and entered. Papeeno and Cyborg waited out side.

"Daughter, so good to see you again!" she stared at him, anger filling up inside. "What no 'hello father' or 'happy fathers'?" she just held on tighter to her mate. He sighed and got up from his chair, he shrunk down to human size. "Last time we met you were a big green were wolf!" he laughed. Garfield wasn't amused. "Yeah, but unless you want to meet him again, you better make this quick!" he hissed. Trigon smiled, "A little birdy told me that your little green friend wants the same thing I do, grand-kids!" he smiled, Garfield's face dropped. He looked down at Raven she had the same look on her face too. "So what, I'll never do anything she doesn't want!" he growled, regaining his confidence. Trigon laughed, "Who ever said she didn't!" her face dropped, she went even paler. Garfield looked down at her again with sad eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked still looking at Raven. The devils face lite up, "Oh you don't know!" he laughed, "My little girl already is!"

Garfield's ears dropped, she grabbed her stomach. "But it said negative!" she said, feeling scared. The box appeared in front of them, and Trigon showed them the back of the box. "Did you care to check the expiration date?" Garfield grabbed the box, expires 1978! He grabbed Raven's hand, she was petrified. "H... how... long... have I been...?" Garfield gulped and looked up at Trigon, "Just over 3 weeks now, I would have told you, but I enjoyed watching that clown torture you!" he laughed. She felt faint, Garfield turned into a wolf and put his ear on her belly, it would normally take ten weeks until he could hear a heart beat, but they weren't normal people. He jumped up and changed back, "He's right!" he said sadly. Her eyes widened. "I... I'm... gonna... puke again!" Trigon stopped finding it funny, he made her a bucket with his powers. While she threw up, Beast boy talked with the dark lord. "So, I'm going to be a dad?" he asked. Trigon nodded with a huge smile, for once he seemed like a normal guy, shame he just wanted them to take his place as the devil. "And I'm gonna be a grandpa!" he laughed. Beast boy looked over at the pit of souls, his parents were in their somewhere. "Would you like to see them?" he looked up at the devil and nodded. He clicked his fingers and they appeared. "Mama, Papa!" he ran up to them again forgetting he would just walk through. "Baby!" his mother cried, he smiled at his dad, "Happy fathers day!" he said, then realized by next year he would be one as well!

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