The big night!

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They were all ready to go, Cyborg had turned the T car into a T limo. Mas and Mais of course were to young to go to a year 10s prom so they stayed home with East to protect Jump city. Garfield was wearing a black tux with a pink bow tie and white shirt, Cyborg was wearing a black tux with a light blue shirt and silver neck tie and Robin was wearing a black tux with red bow tie and a small pink flower in his pocket Star gave him. They were waiting for the girls, Bee was still helping them with their make up. "Raven hold still!" she laughed trying to put her hair up in a neat bun. "Raven!" she laughed, "Sorry, I'm a little excited!" she was never like this. "Is this happy?" asked Star, she laughed. "No, I feel really hyperactive for some reason!" she laughed. "Done!" she got up and looked in the mirror. "WOW!" 

They went down stairs and said goodbye to Bee. "Good luck you guys!" they waved good bye and went down to the garage. Beast Boy turned around and saw her coming down the stairs. "Woah!" she giggled. "You look so cute!" she hugged him. "I need to remember to scare the cr*p out of Alex when I see him!" he laughed. They all go into the limo, "You look amazing Star!" Robin said she kissed his cheek and he went bright red, "So do you!" he smiled. Cyborg realized something, "Aw G-d I don't have a date!" Beast Boy laughed. "Just ask one of the cheer leaders, I know a few that still don't have a date!" smiled Raven. They pulled up at the school, Gotham high had gone all out, they even had a red carpet leading to the door. A teacher opened the car door and they came out, "Ooo celebrity guessed, please enjoy your time here!" Mr M smiled at Beast Boy. "Oh yeah, I'm a celeb weird!" he laughed. They opened the doors, the music was booming and the people were dancing and laughing like there's no tomorrow. "Stay focused team, the mission!" whispered Robin they nodded. Becky ran up to them, "Oh my G-d you guys look great!" she realized Beast Boy was there. "AW Beast boy! You brought your boy friend!" Raven nodded and held his hand. "Hey B, if you see Alex, give him a slap for me. No one disrespects my girls!" She laughed and pulled them all over to the cheer leaders.

"Hey Rae, I'm gonna get us some drinks!" she smiled and he went to the snake bar. He pored out two glasses of punch but something didn't smell right. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, "I wouldn't drink that if I were you!" they grabbed a cup of water. "Why?" he smiled, "Every year someone thinks its funny to spike the punch with vodka and beer!" he binned the cups and got some water as well. "Thanks dude!" he handed the cup to Raven. "Seen anything?" she asked, he shook his head, "Nothing so far!" A group of cheer leaders and jocks called the titans over. "Guys come join us we're gonna play truth or dare!" Ravens face dropped. "Sure!" Garfield took Ravens hand and sat them down. Do you seriously not remember what happened the last time we played truth or dare!

Relax Rae, no one here is as messed up as Cy! She smiled, they played the same way as Cyborg, by spinning a bottle. All the Jocks and Cheer leaders were playing encluding Alex! He went pale when he saw Beast Boy. "Hey Alex, saw that video you made only got one thing to say to ya..." he put his middle finger up at him and smiled. "Ok lets play!" laughed Cyborg, he span the bottle. "KORI!" they all laughed, "Truth or Dare?" asked Becky. She thought for a bit, "Truth!"  she covered her ears and they talked for a bit. "Ok Kor, out of all the boys here, who would you like to kiss?" all the girls giggled. "That is the easy!" she kissed Richard on the lips then smiled at the group, they all laughed. "Kor you know you didn't have to actually kiss me!" she shrugged and span the bottle. "Ooh friend Becky The truth or The dare?" Becky laughed, "Dare!" they all ooed and discussed her dare. "Alright Becky," started Beast Boy, "You have to bitch slap the DJ!" they all laughed. She got up, the DJ was one of the Robotics nerds. "Hey Brian!" he looked up and she slapped him. He just smiled, "Play something from now 89!" she laughed and sat back down. She span next "Rachel!" she laughed. She took no hesitation with her answer, "Truth!" she covered her ears as they spoke. When she looked Garfield's face was blank and he didn't speak. "Rachel!" Said Alex, Garfield growled at him, "Out of everyone in this circle, if you had no chose, who would you want to kill you?" she went blank, "What kind of question is that?!" she seemed quite mad, "Dodging the question!" laughed Daniel, "Fine, Beast Boy he'd make it quick and painless!" he didn't say anything. He just whimpered slightly, she span the bottle and tried to cheer him up. "Alex!" his face lite up. Alex looked scared but still choose dare. "Ok I have the best dare ever!" laughed Beast Boy.

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