You're an Idiot!

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Alex just smiled, "Sure, I trust you Logan!" he sat back and crossed his arms, "Who ever said I'm Logan, me and that nerd share a body I have my own but I need to hurt him to use it!" he smiled evilly, but Alex just laughed, Mr M tired to stop him. "Sure nice try, I'm not scared of a short blonde elf!" he laughed harder. Beast growled at him, "That's not what you called me a minute ago, a wolf thing?" Alex threw him a sarcastic look. "Please, that wasn't you, you probably asked Beast Boy to scare me as a wolf!" Beast growled louder and stood up. "Sit!" he turned to face Mr M, "I'm not a student here, you have no power over me!" he laughed in the teachers face, "What are you talking about?" Beast rolled his eyes, "You still don't understand, really Logan could you not have found a smarter enemy!" they looked at him as if he was insane, "Me and Logan share a body, but not a brain I'm Beast, but you may call me your worst nightmare!" he turned to face Alex, he flashed his yellow eyes at him, "Oh SHUT UP LOGAN, you said that you'd let me kill him!" he stood there for a minute, "I DON'T CARE IF HE'S A SUSPECT HE HURT MATE!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHUT UP! I'M NOT TALKING OUT loud... Oh crud!" Alex and Mr M watched him closely, "Who's mate and what do you mean I'm a suspect?" WELL DONE YOU IDIOT, YOUR MOUTH GOT US INTO THIS SO YOUR MOUTH IS GETTING US OUT! He sighed and sat down, "Mate is Rachel and your a suspect to me and Logan, for loving her simple!" he still wasn't too sure, "Huh... I call her mate because she's my mate!"

"But she's your sister!"

"No she's Logan's sister not mine!"

"That is still really messed up!" THANK YOU, SOMEONE AGREES! "Shut up Logan, or I'll tell them other things as well!" he kept quite, "Now where were we, oh yes, I'm going to eat you!" he stood up again and pushed him off the chair, he ran behind Mr M. "Pussy!" he called, then sat down. "Your... your not going to kill me?" he shook his head and Alex sat down. "Boys stop this none sense, Logan or... Beast stop scaring him!" Beast snickered slightly, "How come you don't look like a green... were wolf any more?" Beast hated being called a were wolf, "Because Garfield likes me stay in his form, or people will 'freak out' or what ever!" he rested his head on his hands. An evil grin grew on his face, "Why, would you prefer me as a giant green monster?" Alex shook his head quickly, "Are you sure because you seem to ask a lot of questions about my form?" Alex gulped again, "I'm sure," he raised an eyebrow, he'd been thinking, "Wait, in the ally way, Beast Boy changed into Beast not Garfield!" he crossed his arms, Beast thought for a moment, "Beast Boy can change into any animal, I'm practically an animal!" Alex assumed he was right, "I thought you hated me, if your so big and bad why havn't you killed me?" he sat down next to Beast and waited for a reply, "Because I promised Mate I wouldn't kill you..." he smiled, "Straight away!" Beast stop trying to freak him out, it's getting old! "Oh put some tofu in it!" he growled, "Can you to talk to each other then?" Beast nodded, "Yeah and Logan is such an annoying little sh*t sometimes!" Sometimes? Aw you like me! "I DO NOT LIKE YOU, YOUR SO IMMATURE AND PAIN IN THE ASS!" Oh I'm the pain in the ass, your the one who tired to RAPE Rae! "First off I didn't try to rape her, second you basically did!" HOW THE FLIP DID I RAPE HER! "Hey she didn't want to, and you two did it any way so technically you rapped her!" YOU IDIOT YOUR TALKING! He looked around, their faces were in shock, "Who did Garfield rape?!" asked Mr M. "No he didn't rape anyone, he... kissed this girl who hates him so I said it was rape to wind him up!" The teacher nodded, "Sir are you going to punish him or not?" asked Alex changing the subject, "FOR WHAT?!" Beast yelled, "Attempted murder twice!"

"It's gonna be three in a minute!" he growled, "Please shut up trying to scare me, your no threat to me, Rachel won't let you kill me any way!" He growled louder, Sorry Logan, but this little sh*t is going to die! He stood up and pushed his chair over. He lifted Alex up by his collar and threw him against the wall, he started to grow bigger. "LOGAN LEAVE HIM ALONE AND SIT DOWN!" He turned to the teacher, his fags were coming in and his eyes shown neon yellow. He growled even louder and Mr M coward behind his desk. He turned back to Alex, his skin started to change, "IF YOU EVER LOOK AT HER, TALK TO HER, SMILE AT HER, EVEN THINK ABOUT HER I'LL KNOW AND I WILL KILL YOU THE SECOND I FIND OUT!" He cornered him, he was full Beast. "I'M SORRY JUST PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I'M SORRY!" He pleaded, Beast picked him up again and roared in his face, Alex screamed loudly. Miss Gustard came running in, she smiled when she saw Beast. "Beast put him down and come with me!" knowing who it was he followed her, he looked back at Mr M and Alex crying on the floor and huffed, "WATCH YOU BACK!" He laughed as the teacher led him away.

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